My chin isn't using her new wheel thingy

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I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place, so sorry if it is. But I just bought my chin a saucer wheel thingy and she isn't touching it?? Could it be because she's new and still a little nervous? Or should I return it and get something else?? Thanks..
Is it the plastic flying saucer knockoff? Those things aren't very stable nor is it safe for your chin to have plastic.

The only safe flying saucer wheel is made by Quality Cage Company.
If you bought the plastic flying saucer from a pet store then she may have tried it ourt but the saucer fell apart? I have seen these at the pet store and they are a piece of crap, sorry to say. If you have the metal flying saucer, then you just need to give her some time as I've heard it takes a little while for some chins to get used to it.
We have the metal flying saucer and I think Edgar uses when we aren't looking. When we are in the room he'd rather get into trouble with us.
Me too!

Do you have more than one chin with access to it? We had a new wheel in the cage that only one of our pair used. I just thought the male didn't like it. Anyway, I now think she had peed on it and claimed as her territory since all of a sudden he started using it an hour after I cleaned it :)