My chin is making these weird nosies?

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Active member
Mar 3, 2011
Westmoreland, Pa
He just started doing it after I gave a seagrass toy thing, he's never done this before and it kinda sounds like he's sneezing but trying to unclog his nose, should I be worried, could it be from the toy. He's eating, playing, drinking and acting normal, I also got another chin yesterday she's not doing these so I don't think it's from her, is this maybe his way of getting more attention it sounds like he's maybe trying to talk or he has he hiccups also is pooh is normal so I don't think he's sick, what could it be and should I take him to a vet as soon as I can like tomorrow? Thanks :)
Thanks ChinnyMom, the sound kinda sounds like a cross between a mating and contact/communication sound but with sneezing maybe, and the hiccups, I can't tell if its sneezing or not but he stopped doing it for now, but now that I think about it he did start to do it on sunday when I got my second chin, could it maybe be a jealous thing or him trying to call or making mating sounds to her, I truly don't think he's sick, like I said he's eating, drinky, pooping, and excersises normal. But it did kinda sound like a contact sound so maybe it was that, since they all don't sound the same.
He is probably calling to her. Is she in the same room as him? Since you just got her you should have done a 30 day quarantine in a separate room.
Yes she is in the same room as him, I couldn't keep her in a separate room without exposing her to my cats. But thanks, I really think that's all he is doing since other then that noise he is acting normal.