My chin has been sitting and sleeping places he usually doesnt?

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May 21, 2011
chinchilla town
He usually either sleeps on the second level in his cage, or in his little blue house, but lately he's either been on the very bottom floor in the back corner (which he usually hates because that is where he pees), or in his purple tunnel. He still sleeps in his little blue house, but he doesnt sleep in it with his head poking out anymore. He kinda backs up and sleeps against the back of it. I'm kind of worried.
He's been in his tunnel for the past few days when I came home from school. He wouldn't even peek his lil head out to see what was happening untill much later. He still jumps out to play later in the day and still takes treats, though, which is good. What could be wrong? Is there anything I could do?
To add to this, what is the temperature at your place?

well I try to keep it as cool as possible. I think it's usually around 70. I'm not completely sure of the exact temperature because the upstairs isn't as cool and brezy as it is downstairs. I need to get a thermostat for my room and put it right next to his cage
do you have air conditioning in the room your chin is in? if not, i'd be getting that hooked up right away, especially with summer pretty much on our butts already.

has anything changed in your house lately? more loud noises than usual? any other new pets brought home?
I go on alert if a chin is sleeping in a odd place, I start looking for other signals there is a health issue.
I agree make sure your house is cool and your chin is eatting and drinking. My chin did the same thing long very long ago and she ended up having a UTI and I had to force feed her. Luckly she is all better now. Keep a eye on him and make sure they are eatting and drinking
well I did have a fan that was sitting at my window, with it open. I decided to turn my fan off and he's sitting and sleeping back in the same old places:)
thanks everyone for your help!!
Glad to hear it! Just a couple of things, incase you hadn't heard it before. Since chins can't sweat a fan will not cool them down. The room needs to be at an appropriate temperature. Fans just cause drafts that may lead to a URI. Like you mentioned, yes, it's good to keep a thermometer in the room where the cage is located. I got one at walmart for less then $10 that tells me temperature and humidity. It's nailed to the wall just a few feet from the cage.