My chin escaped...disaster in the chin room

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Aug 4, 2010
Brighton, MA
So I just checked on the chin room and noticed drops of blood all over the floor, Sadie was in a corner sulking...she had escaped out the top of her fiesty ferret cage, and must have climbed across the 2 cages next to her to "play" with my other chins. Sadie herself has a couple bloody paws, Chicken has a bite by his nose, and Mama has a bite on the top of one of her paws. She was out for several hours and none of the wounds are actively bleeding anymore, but there's a lot of dried blood on each wound. Is there anything I can do now to clean the wounds, or is it too late since they've already closed? Should I just look out for infection at this point and leave them be? I didn't see any bone exposed, and all of my chins look rattled but are all still active etc.

I feel terrible about this! At least she couldn't get to one of my chins so he wasn't hurt. Also good thing I have that room chin proofed..
It probably wouldn't hurt to clean the wounds and put some Blue Kote on them. I would also check each chin from head to tail to make wure there are no other wounds.