My chin ate gum containing xylitol! Help!

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Sep 8, 2013
Upstate NY
So my purse was on the floor this evening unlike normal, and it had a pack of gum in it. While I wasn't looking my chin Jasper grabbed the gum and took out a piece, which is when I caught him. He then ran with it under my bed, and by the time I was able to get him out (with a broom) he had eaten about half of the stick. The sticks were Trident brand to give you an idea of the size.

I looked at the ingredients and xylitol is the third one on the list! I know that dogs have died from eating gum containing it or gotten really sick.... does anyone have any experience or ideas of how it might affect chinchillas? Does anyone have any guesses as to what I should do? My local vet doesn't have much experience with chinchilla emergencies, plus it is really late at night right now so I am hesitant to call.

Thanks so much for any feedback and advice, I'm pretty desperate.... I don't know if I should start him on a critical care/all hay diet to help move the gum through quickly.. or if I should give him raspberry leaf to make him pee more to get the toxin out of his body... please help!
I doubt you'll find too many that have experience on here with this specific situation. Accidents happen, but specific accidents/ingestions are less likely. I would call vets...maybe not YOUR vet. If your vet isn't experienced look up the vets list on here and call any of them...somebody should be able to at least over the phone advise you what to do or what not to do...or what to look for. Best of luck and keep us posted
I doubt you'll find too many that have experience on here with this specific situation. Accidents happen, but specific accidents/ingestions are less likely. Best of luck and keep us posted

it'd be really nice if you could keep us posted on the situation. Some people may have had a similar situation and can give advice (like med dosage), but it'll be really helpful for someone searching the forum for something like this in the future if they can have all the info about this time. Chins are still exotic pets, so we dont all know everything about them yet.
Try the pet poison hot line. I don't know the number off hand. I would start with activated charcoal asap to coat and move it through his system as quickly as possible.