I heart Leonard
Before I blow out 30/16 candles I would like to make a public birthday wish.
I wish my beautiful sister, Lisa, and my mother's best friend (and wonderful family friend) Sue, long out live their diagnosis and time frame for terminal cancer--in Lisa's case breast cancer, in Sue's, lung cancer
I hope Nancy's mom is CURED after her treatments complete.
I hope Shawna's boyfriend, Bob, is CURED after his treatments are complete.
I hope my chingrandma Kim's husband, Bob, is CURED with the treatments he will receive.
I hope we continue as a nation, as a people, to fight for the advancement to treat and CURE cancer.
And I hope, so hope, no one I know will ever be touched by such an insidious disease.
Help me tonight, blow out my candles, by wishing for the same things.
I wish my beautiful sister, Lisa, and my mother's best friend (and wonderful family friend) Sue, long out live their diagnosis and time frame for terminal cancer--in Lisa's case breast cancer, in Sue's, lung cancer
I hope Nancy's mom is CURED after her treatments complete.
I hope Shawna's boyfriend, Bob, is CURED after his treatments are complete.
I hope my chingrandma Kim's husband, Bob, is CURED with the treatments he will receive.
I hope we continue as a nation, as a people, to fight for the advancement to treat and CURE cancer.
And I hope, so hope, no one I know will ever be touched by such an insidious disease.
Help me tonight, blow out my candles, by wishing for the same things.