My big news, and not so big news..

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Soo, for the past couple weeks there's been lots of family drama (wont go into that). Rex and I are no longer together, he's still in love with his ex and felt it wasn't fair to me to continue things, even though she treated him like crud and they probably wont ever be together..

Thursday I found out I'm pregnant. He knew that I might be when he broke up with me.. I never pictured being a single mom.... We still talk and said we may get back together, but at this point that seems unlikely.

Soo, happy news shrouded with heart-breaking news.

This is why I haven't been on the forums much. But everyone likes baby news anyways....
That is how I am trying to look at it... :)... I love kids regardless, just be a little bit odd cuz I'm due around Rex's birthday! So he'll be getting a very special birthday next year!
Good luck! My friend is going through a similar situation, except her boyfriend decided she'd "ruined his life" 4 months into the pregnancy. It'll be tough, but it the end, it'll be worth it. *hugs*
Hey, it happens all the time. Just be dedicated to being a good mom. I hope you have family around to help........a mom, sister, brother, cousins? My daughter had a baby without being married. The dad is a jerk, pays no child support and is basically out of the picture. I love my granddaughter to pieces and spend a lot of time with her. I help my daughter by babysitting a lot. I have two sons who love this little girl to pieces, too. My granddaughter is happy, healthy, well adjusted and very, very loved. Even my father, who is very old fashioned, adjusted to this unexpected first great grandchild of his and hugs and kisses Olivia and tells my daughter what a wonderful Mother she is. If you knew my father, that is just short of a miracle. At first I was very angry with the situation but I learned to accept it. I can't imagine being without my granddaughter now. You'll be fine, your ex may decide he wants to be a good daddy to your baby. If not, you get the better end of the deal because a child is just so precious. Can I ask how old you are? Do you live on your own?
hang in there. And make sure if you do get beck together it isn't just for the baby, sometimes people are truly better apart regaurdless. You don't need a man in love with someone else. there is someone out there who will love you and the baby
Congrats babies are a blessing!!! Ive been a single parent for almost 7 years now its hard but I know no other way. My daughters father hasnt been around at all and has seen her a total of 5 times and she will be 7 yrs on the 26th. Honestly our life is so much better without his stress and drama, So maybe its a blessing that you broke up now rather than the drama and stress later So think of it as a good thing and remember everything happens for a reason :)
Hey everyone,

I got an email asking how I was doing so I thought I'd do a quick update... I just returned to school because it's the first week that I've mustered getting out of bed... Some of my teachers are being great about everything without me having to talk to them, mostly because they know I'm not the type of student who just doesn't show up to my classes... in the previous two years I have missed a whole whopping 3 days of classes...and from this I've missed almost two weeks.

So I'm finally starting to get up and do things.. someone mentioned family, I wish my family was supportive..... They are so "supportive" in fact that I'm giving serious consideration to moving in with friends in Nevada since they offered... I'd have free room and board until I can get a job, and when I have to be off of work towards the end of the pregnancy, and wouldn't have to pay to move because they'll pay for it all! As well as pack me, load the truck, drive there, and unload the truck. How could I not be tempted?

I love having friends that love me so much. :kiss:

I'm visiting them for Christmas to see how I like it there. And I'm excited.
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So sorry all this has happened to you but it good that you got your friends. Your family will come around in the end just give them the time to adjust to the idea. I' about 14 weeks pregnant right now and my inlaws don't like the idea we are having another baby. So for now we aren't talking to them. Oh well they can not like it all they want but in the end the new baby is their grandchild too.
No sorries needed ;). I find that I'm not all mopey about it when people don't say I'm sorry etc. But my family hasn't came around with any of my other cousins, so it's just their loss. :neener:

We've had a few squabbles in the last few weeks. Kinda to the point that I'm not sure I could handle having him at my appointments. He wants to verify the pregnancy to people that in my mind it's none of their business. Yet another reason why I'm edgy at having him go with me ect.

I went to see him today for the first time since we broke up, was really hard. I made sure to take a friend with me that I haven't seen in years, so it helped keep my sad feelings in check. Started getting teary eyed then snipped it in the butt. Then Allie and and I went out for dinner.

I'm just determined to not be all mopey about any of it. :thumbsup: And keep a supply of bacon, pickles, jalapeno poppers, and banana split stuff on hand. :thumbsup:. So greatful morning sickness has been at a minimum. :dance3:
Just came across your thread. Your life will be richer with a little one. Women who have children or are caretakers get the job done no matter the circumstances. You'll be over your morning sickness.........make it through birthing and find such a peace and joy with a snuggled sweet smelling babe in arms. Enjoy the new beginning. There are worse things in life. Sitting back waiting to be a new mom will be a joy to you soon enough. Keep us posted as we demand pictures some months down the road. LOL:congrats7:

I'll add a special note.........don't buy tons of baby clothing. All they do is spit up and poo for about a good two months. I swear we never had our daughter in nothing but snap front pjs or little snap front one-Z type. Breast feed if you can. It's dirt cheap. And go to a local childrens gently used clothing store and shop. Little children don't care what they look like. As long as it affordable and in great condition. I hardly bought brand new clothing for our daughter. And Walmart has the most wonderful feeling cotton clothing for infants!! I don't know the brand name anymore..........but I would die for all my cotton to feel that soft.
I didn't have any resembling a dad really growing up, he was there, but yea... that's it.

If you care about him, don't toss him out. Be patient, and tell him that you care, therefore don't want to see him, if he changes his mind about the crazy ex deal and wants to try it again, call. Then move on with your life.

Good luck.
Sorry to hear about the breakup, but maybe its for the best, Congrats on the little one on the way. My husband and I split for 4 months, never thought we'd be back together, I had a tough time dealing with raising my daughter on my own (well living at my moms), but after a couple months I found that if I didn't have her I couldn't have gotten through it. My husband and I are back together (have been for about 3 months now) but I don't know if its going to work and I find myself stronger after going through the seperation. He doesn't exactly treat me well, so that is why things may not work.

Anyway, you will have times where you dont know how you can get through being a single mom, but you will get to the point where you are glad you have your little bundle of joy to help you get through it. There were so many times i was so depressed I didn't want to move or eat even, but my daughter who was only just over a year when we split had to be fed and cared for, and sometimes she got me out of those moods just with her smile, or asking for hugs or kisses. It melts your heart. I don't know what I would have done without her.

Good luck with everything and keep us updated on the pregnancy!