My baby girl

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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New member
May 4, 2011
I wanted a chinny for a long time, and wanted a rescue, I found one about 4 months old, she's now an 8 month old lady :)

I have her in a cage her size, I'd like it to be bigger, but it's what fits in my room. I'm going to go around searching the site. I know I have a lot to learn about my little lady!

My one biggest thing that scares me is when I get a cold :( I freak out a bit. I wash my hands before I feed her and don't play with her, which makes both her and I sad. :cry3:

I'm going to meander around the site now.
Welcome to the forum. There is quite a wealth of information on here. I recommend starting in the Chinchilla FAQ sections.
There's definitely lots of information here. The search field at the top is really helpful (though you should narrow it to the chinchilla side of things or you'll see some conflicting information as hedges are pretty different in some respects). If you can't find something -just ask. Welcome to the group!!