Moving to a smaller cage?

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Buddha & Moose (:
Sep 23, 2012
Springville, UT
Okay so here is the deal. I have attached some pictures of Buddha's cage below. He is currently the only chin we have, and I am thinking of possibly getting another chin in the future. I would want to get another male, because I don't know enough about breeding to get a female. I am aware that they may not get along, so before I take on another chin, I would get a two story FN cage so that they could be separated if necessary.
So here is my real question... I feel kinda bad for Buddha having to move to a smaller cage (one story of the FN) if they have to be separated. Do chins adjust well to that? Or is it not even worth it? I know he loves his cage now and he uses every level that we have built into it, so what do you guys think? Would he be sad to move into a smaller cage if they didn't get along?

cage1.jpg cage2.jpg
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I've done it in 2 cases and have not had issues with any of my boys that had to go from a FN142 to a FN141.
I had to split up my two boys, which meant the cage split as well. The cage is still big enough even if only half that they didn't seem to have an issue. One actually became more social and seemed to feel safer in a bit of a smaller place. But, only go smaller if you have to separate them... Otherwise, leave them lots of room!!!
That's interesting that one of your boys became more social after being switched to a smaller cage! That's good to know. :)
Yeah, in the bigger cage he kept to just a couple of places and didn't venture out much. Now in his smaller area, he's everywhere and it's made him happier to explore when he's out of the cage too.

The other one I'm sure felt a bit constricted at first but it wasn't stressful for him and he's adjusted and is still just as happy!