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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2010
Salem OR
I just got 2 kits 3 days ago. I've never been around chin kits, but I've been around my fair share of rabbit kits. My chin kits are mounting each other. I know that for rabbits, this is a sign of dominance but I've never heard of chins doing it. I do know that one of them has a whisker that isn't straight anymore. I don't know if it's from a bite from the other chin or if he's just been doing so many tricks in the new cage that he's messed it up. Can anyone tell me?
Yes, chins mount and hump each other as a display of dominance. It's quite common when you introduce two new chins together..they will hump each other for awhile until a dominance hierachry is established.

As for whiskers, they can occasionally just get bent, break, etc. It shouldn't be too much to worry about. Dominant chins have been known to chew the whiskers of the subordinate.
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These kits were weaned together and have been caged together for the last few weeks. Is that still normal?
Yep. They are still going to establish a pecking order. If I have a weanling that is being a little overly rambunctious in this department, I whack a good portion of his whiskers off. That usually calms them right down and they play nice in the sandbox.
Totally normal Sam, someone has to be the boss of the cage! Just keep a close eye on them to make sure the humping doesn't go into full blown fighting.
For right now, aside from the humping one or twice a day, they're cuddle bugs with each other. They rub noses and sleep on top of each other. It's quite cute!
This is a good example of the cuddling. And believe me, I'm enjoying it quite a lot!


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