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May 17, 2011
Okay, so my chinchilla seems to have nightmares quite often and barks in his sleep a lot. I keep him in my room with me so I see/ hear everything. It happens in the middle of the day when he sleeps and in the early AM when he falls asleep again, he barks and when I go check on him he's spread out or in a slumber in some odd position. Is that normal? This morning he woke me up because he did about 6 barks in a row.

Also, for some reason he likes to have a staring contest with me, and he completely freezes in the position he's in sometimes and will just stare and stare.What the heck is he doing?

And he likes to try to nibble on my fingernail, he never seems to do anything to my finger just my fingernail, I'm assuming that's okay since he is still a young one?
Chins do tend to sleep weirdly. My Banilly sticks on leg and her head hanging out of her tube. Pudge barks in her sleep. She sounds sooo pitiful it breaks my heart! I always just try to talk to her quietly and say "it's okay."

Lots of chins do the staring contest thing. I'm not sure why. A lot of people on here call it the "stink eye" haha.

My girls love my fingernails. They try to nibble them all off. Does your chin have any chew toys in his cage?
Yes he does I got him some bood blocks, and I give him apple wood sticks and stuff. So far he's getting along well. And I am always keeping him cool on these hot days so he's happy.

I just can't hold him really yet, but he's starting to let me touch him but then he spazzes a bit.
He's probably a little scared hence the freezing. It's normal for chins to call and bark. Especially if they are a little nervous. Mine always think my nails and my ring are toys...
My Lola barks alot in her sleep and usually wakes herself up, i just go over to her and talk to her and she goes back to sleep. Dotty like sleeping with both of her back legs sticking out and Lola usually will cuddle in... i would say its normal :)
They barkin the sleep fairly often. Sometimes it might be a bad dream, or maybe they hear something. Or if they get woken up they sometimes riase a storm. Atleast mine do..

All 5 of my chins stare. I could put a statue next to them sometimes and youd have a hard time tellign them apart

Most will mibble on your fingers if their somewhat comfortable. All mine do it but expecaly my male, when i go to scrath his stomich. **** sit their forever and enjoy that while nibbleing on my finger lol. Young ones however are still learning and testing their bounries, willl soemtimes use a little to much force in their nips. Still not entended to hurts someone, but thats the little result.
Yes!!! "Daisy May, don't eat mommy's diamond!" comes out of my mouth pretty much every day!

****.. I always said its a shame ppl would spend so much money on a useless rock. (/whinny voice: But its shinny!!!) I guess it actuly has a use... a chnichilla toy!!!

then again.. im sure their hard enough to make a decent chew block...
It is possible that the chinchilla is actually asleep and not staring. Chinchillas can, and often do, sleep with their eyes open, which looks like they are just staring into space.
Yep, barking like that is normal. (And you know you're a crazy chinchilla person when you can tell which of your multiple animals it is based on 'his voice'.) So is nibbling on fingernails. Communal grooming is a method of bonding with herd animals like chins and bunnies. Sleeping on his back/side/with his feet out of the cage is usually a sign that he feels safe in his environment as well, so it sounds like he's settling in quite well. :)