Misunderstood as a pet lover :(

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My kids have 4 feety's
Feb 1, 2009
Hi All, I suppose I need to vent. Do you ever feel like, as a pet lover, you are terribly misunderstood and everyone thinks your love of animals is odd or pathetic? I get this a lot from my in laws and even random people I meet. They think my priorities are messed up or something that I dont want kids but I want to work to take care of my animals the best way possible. They think it is stupid that I go home at the same time every evening no matter what is going on in order to let my chins out to play. They dont seem to understand my dedication to them and that I made a commitment in adopting them. I feel like I need to find a circle of people in my area to have meetings with or hangout because no one I am close to understands..

Ugh, frustrated
UGH sometimes i get so upset by it that i run away from people and cry...its horrible
Many think my priorities are messed up too! My hubby says that I love chins more than him! I live my life and do what I think is right.
everynight from about 6-10 pm is chin playtime in my house and my fiance understands everything about me but sometimes she gets frustrated when i put other things off to do our playtime. its hard because i really am dedicated and want people to understand
Yup, definitely. I'm not a people person at all, and I connect more with my pets than I do with people. But, if I find someone with the same interests, I never shut up :) People at work think I'm odd. I would rather sit next to a dog that was just put down and grieve with it than go and grieve with the owner.

Also, I get really excited to show off my chinbabies to anyone who comes over. People just think I'm nuts when I talk about them like they are kids, then they find out, I really don't have children, just furry ones (And I gave them human names)

My parents even get annoyed with me, because I would rather go blow my money on my pets than myself (I just spent over $100 today getting stuff to spruce up my boy's new cage), then I come to them saying I need money for groceries. :neener:
Yep. And it varies depending on the kinds of pets you have too. Even dedicated "pet people" are often prejudiced against snakes or other "weird" pets. "Eww, how can you stand to live with those things?" "I'd rather have snakes than a baby" gets me the *dirtiest* looks sometimes, but then again, if they can't see the humor in the statement, I hope it's off-putting enough that they won't bother me again.
EXACTLY! I love caring for my pets and I really dont want kids...my fiances family constantly rolls their eyes at my chin stories and my dedication to them. It is SUPER awkward because I just moved in with them and the chins are now staying here with me. THey need lights during the day and such and they are complaining about it and saying its unnecessary. It is hurtful that they dont care about their well being like I do, and even worrisome. Her mom always says it is a zoo and that I will just keep getting more until the ASPCA comes and takes them (like that even makes sense)...:impatient:
The only thing I say to people like that is.
I understand that you can't understand that my love and priority for my animals. But I feel sorry for you that you don't understand.
The love and priority that you carry for your car, clothes, television, house, I carry for living and loving creatures that give it all back to me and I'm their priority.
Good day and I love you to.

usually does the job ;0)
Yep. And it varies depending on the kinds of pets you have too. Even dedicated "pet people" are often prejudiced against snakes or other "weird" pets. "Eww, how can you stand to live with those things?" "I'd rather have snakes than a baby" gets me the *dirtiest* looks sometimes, but then again, if they can't see the humor in the statement, I hope it's off-putting enough that they won't bother me again.

Boy!! Did you hit it on the head or what! ;)
My house is full of "exotics" ..it's what I do ..it's what I like ...but it kills me that the person with 20 cats and 2 litter boxes (ewww) can't understand me and my animals.

You should see the look/reaction from folks when they hear me say, "Snakes are honest, straightforward ..you don't have to guess with them ..you just KNOW ..and that's why I prefer them to most humans."

I don't let it bother me too much, but it does get lonesome or whatever.. sometimes. If you have a society or group or some kind of conservation effort in your area ..join them. It makes a difference.
yeah my work colleagues think I'm weird as I intend to start a rodent rescue instead of having children!
But actually I don't mind their dumb comments, because those comments serve to remind me that (thank god!) I'm nothing like them!
You should see the look/reaction from folks when they hear me say, "Snakes are honest, straightforward ..you don't have to guess with them ..you just KNOW ..and that's why I prefer them to most humans."

Yep, that sounds familiar. I got the "Oh! You feed it poor little mice? That's disgusting and cruel!" comment at work the other day. After I told her they're humanely gassed and warmed up like a sausage, she still said I was "stupid".

What all do you live with? (Our zoo contains a dog, 2 chins, a hamster, a mouse, 2 normal royal pythons and 2 candycane cornsnakes. :wacko:)
What all do you live with? (Our zoo contains a dog, 2 chins, a hamster, a mouse, 2 normal royal pythons and 2 candycane cornsnakes. :wacko:)

I have 2 Burmese, 2 Corns, 1 Ball, 1 Leucy TX Rat, 1 Black Rat, 1 Anery Kenyan Sand, 1 Pacific Gopher .....a Blue tongued Skink, a Green Iguana, a Uromastyx, a Beardie, 4 Leopard geckos, a LOT of Crested geckos, a Bibron's gecko....... 11 Tarantulas.. an Axolotl.. a tortoise.... quite a few rats, 2 hamsters, 2 Chin'kids, and a Cavy/Pig .......chickens, even a rooster! ..frogs, fish and bugs (Hissers, Orange heads, and Dubias).

I think that's it! :)
Yep, that sounds familiar. I got the "Oh! You feed it poor little mice? That's disgusting and cruel!" comment at work the other day. After I told her they're humanely gassed and warmed up like a sausage, she still said I was "stupid".

What all do you live with? (Our zoo contains a dog, 2 chins, a hamster, a mouse, 2 normal royal pythons and 2 candycane cornsnakes. :wacko:)

2 chins(More to come later ;) ), 3 leopard geckos, 2 dogs, and my stepdad:hilarious:
I totally feel the same way. I just tell people honestly that I love animals more than I love people. Luckily my husband is very supportive. Now we have 4 chins, 1 cat and 2 guinea pigs. If it wasn't for my senior cat (Persian) who doesn't like any other animals running loosely in the house, I will probably end up with two more cats and two more dogs. :neener: