Metal litter boxes?

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2011
So the girls have had plastic litter boxes (the only plastic in their cages) for months and had no issues. Today Cindy took a huge chunk out of hers and now I need to find some metal corner boxes. Do you guys know where they would sell anything like this?
Just wondering, how did you build a metal litter box? fyi look in thrift stores for inexpensive ceramic or glass casserole dishes. $3.00 beats paying $12-$20
I know that the dishes make sense but Cindy's cage is a single FN and I want her to have as much space as possible. My dad had some very thin metal left over from work that nobody used (he's a chemist). I washed it, cut it to size, sanded it down so there's no sharp edges or points, and used nontoxic hotclue to put it together (no where she could get at)
I found a single person selling corner metal litter pan on ebay before. They were like $18 each. The only bad side is theirs no way to connect/harrnass them to the cage like the usual plasci ones have. So i no my chins would have that thing all over the cage.
The one I made attaches to the side :) thanks though but she's using it like normal and not trying to chew so I think I'll just make a second one and call it good.