Meet my new conure!

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Me? Addicted?
Jan 29, 2009
Baltimore, MD
Hello everyone!

Yesterday evening I brought home my conure baby! :) I've been waiting for weeks, but he's finally home! He has already warmed up and my sister and I were playing with him earlier. He's a biter though, haha, but all conures are at some point or another. But on the other hand, he can be a real sweetie too. He loves being on top of your head, lol. He'll do anything to get there too, and preens you like mad. :p No name for him/her yet, can't do that 'till I get the sex.

Here he/she is (still have to mail the DNA to the lab), my yellow sided green cheek conure!

Chowing down, lol.

Out of the cage


awww he is beautiful!!! iv always wanted a bird... :heart3:
Pretty bird. Have fun with him/her. I had a conure that would give us a warning bite when he was getting mad. He'd bite but not clamp down, it wouldn't hurt. But it was enough of a warning for us to back off.
hehe, thanks guys! :) I've wanted a bird all my life too, and I decided to finally go for it. I found a breeder right somewhat around me (about an hour drive), and she was so nice and helpful! I'd def. go back to her in the future.
What a beautiful bird! I have a tiel now, as well as 4 keets. Our next bird will most likely be a conure of some type.

Congrats on a beautiful baby!
:congrats1: to you. What a beautiful conure! Keep us posted on sex and name.
How pretty! I'm not very familiar with birds, but I love all the colors on yours! Congrats! :)
Aww congrats! I just had some GC babies hatched last month. The yellowsides are so vibrant in color. :) Watch out your little friend will be ruling the roost soon enough! LOL
Thanks everyone! :) I still haven't gotten around to sending the DNA out yet, I'll try to remember tomorrow, lol. I keep calling them a he, what happens when I find out it's a girl? :hilarious: He's doing great though! :) He's hanging on a perch by my head right now sleeping, lol. He's such a sweetie, and man does he talk up a storm! As soon as I come home from class, he goes nuts! And sometimes I think he just loves to hear himself talk. :rofl:
What beautiful colors! Wow, every color in the rainbow there! She/he is gorgeous!

What does he say? I love talking birds, it just amazes me for some reason.
hehe, I guess I shouldn't have said "talking". He doesn't actually say any words yet, but he squawks/chirps/peeps constantly. He does always respond when I say "what?" though. We get a very repetitive conversation going, lol. "what?" "squawk" "what?" "squawk", lol. "What"'s probably going to become his first word, haha. But as vocal as he is right now, I have high hopes for him picking up some words. :)
Here are some new pictures of the little snot :) Excuse the mess, my dog is still really weird with him so when we're gone he goes up to my brother's room, and well, yeah, he's messy. :p

Begging to come out



His begging payed off, lol
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I take it you got him from a breeder? Sometimes, you can tell the sex depending on what the parents were. Yellowside in a green cheek conure is a sex linked color. If say Dad was a yellowside and Mom was plain green, then your conure would be a girl. I'm not sure which company you are using for the DNA but Avianbiotech has always been very reliable, and accurate. Watch out for those $5 and $10 places, as they are just crooks!