Maybe Baby

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2009
My best friend is almost 36 weeks pregnant. I get a call that she might be going into labor. No woman in her family has ever reached nine months. This is her first baby and she is considered high risk because a previous problem with the baby that is now gone. She had her second baby shower yesterday and we all thought she was going to have him yesterday. She was suppose to start bed rest tomorrow!

We called her husband who is a firefighter with my dad and he was on a cardiac arrest call and we went to tell my dad so he can tell her husband but then there was a structure fire my dad had to go to. So we called chief and he personally drove him home. He didnt want her husband driving all frantic.

So Im getting the animals all cozied up and getting ready to leave for my moms to go get her and we are heading to the hospital to meet up with them. Not sure if I can bring my laptop but Im definitely going to try so I can post updates.

Please send some good energy to her today.
I'll definitely keep your friend in my thoughts and I hope that she delivers a healthy baby. I know every woman's different but both my girls were born at just under 37 weeks. My first was 9.5 lbs and the second was 10.5 lbs.
She is having a boy and the doctors say he is huge. Like she is 35ish weeks he said the baby's size is so big hes at the size of a baby at 37 week.

And the update they are sending her home so we never made it to the hospital. But she is 2cm dilated.
Well I just got home from her house. We are trying to let her rest as much as possible.. But she is having contractions every 10-15 minutes.. Sometimes it will be like a few then another one but for the most part they are about 10-15 min apart.

They told her they wont admit her unless she is 4 cm or contractions are 5 min or less apart.
She had the baby! He is about 7lbs. I guess she was having really bad pains and she told her husband we need to go to the hospital and he was like we will go in a little bit you are fine. It finally got to the point where she said "if you don't take me I'm going to drive myself" and he finally took her. When they got there she was 6cm dilated and they wouldn't give her anything for the pain because she was too far along. So she had to give natural birth with out drugs. Poor girl!
Well the baby is healthy! Moms tired so everything sounds perfect! Thanks for the keeping her in your thoughts guys!
Congratulations to your friend on her baby! So glad everything turned out ok. No epidural? Ouchies! The hubby should be assigned to the doghouse for awhile. ;)
Congratulations to your friend on her baby! So glad everything turned out ok. No epidural? Ouchies! The hubby should be assigned to the doghouse for awhile. ;)

Well I dont think he understood how serious. He honestly thought she was going to stop labor and carry for another 2 or so weeks. We were asking how big the baby offically was since she was in the hospital yesterday and he mentioned we will find out Tuesday. Mom and I were telling him.. umm no Tomorrow! She is having this baby! And he said no we have HSS(hysterical spanish syndrome) or HLF syndrome(Hysterical Latin Female) as my dad puts it. The department came up with that term for how crazy hispanic women get in medical situations. So he didnt believe us that she was goign to have the baby just yet.. He was sayign it was false labor all day yesterday.

Im sure he feels bad now knowing it was for real! LOL
Tell your friend Congratulations.... Glad everything went fine... Is this her first child? I had my first 2 without any pain medicine... But only because they didn't hurt at all.. I had no contraction pains what so ever with the 1st 2... But the last kid more then made up for it... I had to have an epidural... LOL
Im going in a few minutes to visit her and the baby in the hospital. It is her first child and she was in loads of pain. Most people I speak with about their first child didnt have much pain.. Poor mom..

Well off I go!
Most people I speak with about their first child didnt have much pain.. Poor mom..
Are you serious?!! I don't think you have talked to many women who have given birth then...;) Congrats to your friend and her family!!
My friend goes along with the no pain. Sorry ladies! She had an epidural and went to sleep while she was dilating. Then she woke up and pushed, and still felt nothing other than a little pressure. Maybe she's just one of the lucky ones. ;)
Yep, epidurals are awesome. But I had my first two without one....DUH, stupid move.