Mating Ritual I Think???

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New member
Apr 22, 2013
Indianapolis, IN
Hello everyone,
My girlfriend and I have been chin owners for just under a year now, and have loved every minute of it. We bought our first little boy (Oso) and then almost 6 months later we bought a baby. The baby ended up having some genetic disease and passing, however these two chins were sleeping in the same house and having no issues after less than 30 min. (both males) Today we decided it was time to make another addition and try and add to our family. Oso is now 17 months old,and we bought a 10 1/2 month old male today. We got him home and left his cage in the middle of the floor and let them sniff each other and everything went fine for about an hour. They are not fighting, but our male Oso is wagging his tail for 10-15 seconds at a time and chirping unlike we have ever heard him. We were frightened at first but came here and found out that this was part of a mating ritual. My question is do chinchillas ever mate same sex? Or is it possible for them to confuse a gender maybe? (they were in the same cage for almost 3 hours to figure each other out) I am sure they are both male and would very much so like to figure this out. They are now in separate cages about a foot apart and are beginning to settle own. I am worried we made a mistake purchasing another chin :(

Thank You for your help in advance everyone, and I apologize if this seemes scatterbrained it is my first post!
First, you should always observe a 30 day quarantine when bringing home a new chin. You can monitor for diseases that way and give the new chin time to settle in.

Second, are you positive you have two males? Are you able to tell the difference between male and female genitalia?

Third, chins hump each other, which is not the same as having sex. With males, it's all about dominance. If one humps the other, they are showing they are the dominant chin. The tail wagging is all part of that. It is also part of them showing overtures to a female, which is why I asked the question above, are you absolutely sure they are both male?
I am positive I have to males, I have had them both sexed by a vet because I did not want babies. I was just confused by the tail wagging and only the older one is doing it. The younger one makes him get up on his hind legs and they "sway" back and forth and then take off super quick.
I agree, vets have sexed chins wrong, take some pix of the chin parts and post them here just to make sure.