Malo? Need good vibes for Pipsqueak!

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The Squee Queen
Feb 2, 2009
Laurel, MD
I usually just lurk on CnH, and read the cute stories on Chin Chat. But, my beautiful 5-year-old standard boy, Pipsqueak, has been grabbing at his face a lot lately, and has streaks on his chin and neck fur like drool. I took him to the vet on Thursday, and he couldn't see his teeth well enough for a diagnosis. He will go back on Tuesday (tomorrow) to be sedated and examined. I am scared witless that this is malocclusion. He has lost some weight. The Metacam makes him lethargic. He gags eating his raisin. He only grudgingly eats a pellet or two. I'm giving him rolled oats to supplement his diet, and he seems able to eat these and Cheerios.

Not sure what I expect from this post. I just need to vent to people who understand, I guess. If you have any spare good vibes to send, I'd appreciate it.
You should get some critical care to supplement his diet. I've been syringe feeding my boy for about two months now due to teeth issues. You can get critical care from some people on here also some vets carry it.
keep the faith, sis - from what I have read, you will want to make sure the vet gets x-rays, not just an exam, as it seems that x-rays are one of few definitive ways to get a complete picture of the situation, especially if malo is a possibility
may want to consider getting an order in to Dawnna at for some LifeLine supplement as well (she is about to have some surgery and may be incommunicado for a bit... so I would order soon if you plan to order) - it is an excellent addition to the Critical Care as a supplement
I'm sorry your little is going through this, please make sure they take an xray since he will already be sedated. Also, please stop with ALL of the treats. Raisins have way too much sugar and oats cannot provide the nutrients he needs right now. If you don't have critical care then you could crush some of his pellets and add water to make it into a consistency that will fit into a syringe. He's better off with that until you can get the cc. If you can, try getting him some alfalfa hay in addition to the hay you're already feeding.
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Also, please stop with ALL of the treats. Raisins have way too much sugar and oats cannot provide the nutrients he needs right now. If you don't have critical care then you could crush some of his pellets and add water to make it into a consistency that will fit into a syringe. He's better off with that until you can get the cc. If you can, try getting him some alfalfa hay in addition to the hay you're already feeding.

Sending good vibes to your buddy. Hopefully it's something that can be managed with occasional vet visits. Crossing my fingers that he has many more happy years ahead. I agree 100% with all the great suggestions that Sandi gave you.
Good luck ...I hope this is not the case..I am going through it now and its heartbreaking
Hope things will go ok I know it is hard we love our pets so much good thoughts being sent ur way

Thanks for all the advice and good wishes. He is at the vet now. They will be doing the x-rays and some blood work as well. I do have some Critical Care, and have given him some, but he really hates it, and it ends up all over. I have also tried the mushy pellets, and he hates those. I think he just hates the idea of being syringe fed. I'm hoping that his feistiness is a good sign. Hopefully, if they can trim his teeth, he'll be able to eat normally again soon.

I'll post an update when I know more.

Thanks again for your support.
Yes, it's malo :(

Bad news is that it is, indeed, malocclusion. The good news is that he came through today's dental procedure with flying colors, and is happily dust bathing the "vet" smell off himself. The vet wants me to get him to grind more in the back, and suggests alfalfa hay. Any other chin-safe ideas for getting those molars moving?
Hay, hay and more hay, try different types and cuts. Malo chins do like alfalfa. Be prepared for another filing though, its extremely rare if not impossible for a malo chin to be able to grind the teeth down by themselves, the teeth are not aligned properly and don't "fit" together to grind right. Lazy chewers on the other hand are just that, they need periodic filings on no particular schedule and do benefit from different hay cuts and types.
I am sorry to hear the isnt an immediate death sentence. Many chins live long happy years getting filed every so often and thrive. Provide more hay than pellets....thatll get him chewing!
How do I get the dried Critical Care and drool out of his fur without hurting him? I wipe it off as best I can, but he manages to still have some crusties.
