Making a chinchilla fleece set

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Ok well i decided it would be much cheaper to make my own fleece chinchilla set, does anyone have any instructions for me? I want to make a lining for the bottom, a hammock, a house, a tube, and covers for the shelves.
Go for polar fleece. Hammocks are super easy - one long piece folded over inside out and sew, leaving a small corner to push it right side out and then sew up the small corner - leave as little thread as possible visible cause they will find it and pull on it!! Punch gromets into the corners and I use the metal shower curtain hangers that clip shut to hang them. Same method for the fleece liner and any covers (leave one side open so that it can be removed and washed). I haven't made a tube yet, but someone can tell you about that.

It's fun making your own stuff! Good luck!