Loud noises, ok?

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Jan 30, 2012
Near Lansing, MI
I have had my 2 chins for about 4 years now. I moved in with my boyfriend a year and a half ago and my chinchillas stayed at my moms house. He has 2 young kids and sometimes the music is turned up loud, or cartoons are on. The chins are used to dogs barking but not kid/loud tv. Are they safe to come live with me? They would stay in our bedroom but we have a small house so the kids wouldnt be allowed in there, but theres no hope of keeping the noises down.

I just dont know if they would get stressed or anything....
Ok, I figured they could adjust. How do I know when too much is too much? I'm just worried because my little one, Possum, has a history of seizures (but hasnt had them in 3 years).