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Mar 10, 2011
Hi, I just have a few questions,
I used to have chin's but can't remember hardly anything about them its been a few years so I wanted to just update the chinchilla section of my brain :)

1: What food should they eat? Can they eat rabbit food? or do they need chinchilla food? I have a bunny who I feed Mana Pro brand show rabbit food to but I also mix in some rabbit food that has dried corn, dried carrots, and little pieces of colorful stuff in it. I only add like a 10 pound bag of that food to the 30 pound bag of mana pro rabbit food so there isnt a whole lot of that "extra" stuff in it but still, Need to know whats healthy and safe and whats not.

2: what kind of bedding is best? Can I use aspen? I think thats what I used before.

3: How often do I give them dust baths?

4: Do chinchilla's usually get along with new chinchillas being introduced to them? regardless of age?

Anything else you can tell me would be great!
Hi there.

Answers to questions 1-3 can be found here in our FAQs: http://www.chins-n-hedgies.com/forums/showthread.php?t=857

You need to nix that food w/ the "extras" in it.

Here is a thread on introductions between chinchillas: http://www.chins-n-hedgies.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13659

I don't think there's a true estimate on a percentage of how often chinchillas will get along w/ a new one. They may or may not get along. Even if they do, that doesn't mean they won't fight later and need to be separated.
1. im not sure oin sepcific brands. Their are only a few rabbit foods that chins can eat. Mine currently eat Select Series Pro rabbit food. Tho i can deffenitly say all them 'extras' will have to be taken out.

2. I personaly use a carefresh bedding. Tho it is exppencive.

3. Genraly around twice a week or so iv been told.

4. THey might get along, they mgiht not. No way to be sure before hand. You can try introducing them slowly. When i introduced my two, i had them each in their own cage next to each other for a few weeks. Eventuly letting them get some face to face time when out playing. but went home to their own cage. Once it appeared they were fairly fine with each other, i pput them together while being sure to keep an eye on them.
Purina Rabbit Show Chow is an excellent rabbit food that is chin safe. You want a hay based pellet for them with none of the other extra stuff, because their main diet should be hay.
You can absolutely use Aspen shavings (I do in between changing liners), but many here don't recommend the carefresh as some of the owners here had some chins eat it and get impaction leading to the death of the chins.
Quarantine the second chin for at least a month to make sure there's no problems and start very slowly with the introductions.
Mostly remember that chins take a lot of patience and use the search button for tons of answers to your questions. Good luck with your chinnie!
1. You can use the Rabbit food that you use now for your rabbit, the Purina Mana Pro without all of that extra stuff you put in it. But a lot of people usually use the Purina Rabbit Show Chow or the Mazuri Pellets. I use the Purina Rabbit Show Chow for all three of my chins.

2. You can use the aspen shavings! Just try not to use those carefresh beddings, the ones with all of the pretty colors, chins are known to eat it and usually die from eating it! I use aspen bedding! Just watch out, my chins love to dig in it and it is always a mess! Some also use fleece liners just to make it less of a mess, but you are constantly washing it.

3. I give my chins a dust bath every week. I do not give them more than one a week because their fur can dry out. If the chin looks like he needs one, then you should give him another one. But if he looks fine then I would stick to just one bath a week. For my chins, it is every Friday and they always know when it is bath time :)

4. Every chin is different when it comes to getting along with another chin. They will not take to another chin right away, it takes a lot of time and patience to try to bond chins together! The younger the chin is, it is usually easier to get them to like the other chin. But every chin has a different personality and sometimes the chins will never get a long. But do not introduce them right off the bat, they have to get used to the smell of the other chin first.

Have fun with your new chin! Post pictures soon!! :)
Feeding your chinchilla rabbit food could kill it so please don't feed it that. i use sunaturals natural chinchilla food. (There is enough timothy hay in the food that you don't have to give them any but they like it as a treat about every other day.) It is a little bit pricy. ($11.99 a bag)

Don't use woodchips because those could hurt your chinnnies feet as they are very sencitive. I use critter care that is in a green bag. My local walmart carries it.

Chinchillas need dustbaths 3 times a week. You need a dust house though. a large mixing bowl will work, but the dust will get EVERYWHERE!!!!!!! (Don't leave the dust in there for days and use clean dust every thim otherwise your chinnie could get an eye infection.)

It depends on the chinchillas personality.
Feeding your chinchilla rabbit food could kill it so please don't feed it that. i use sunaturals natural chinchilla food. (There is enough timothy hay in the food that you don't have to give them any but they like it as a treat about every other day.) It is a little bit pricy. ($11.99 a bag)
Many people here feed rabbit food. The key is it needs to be a good quality rabbit food. For what it's worth, I would not feed what you are feeding. Also, hay is essential in keep their teeth and digestive tract in check.

Don't use woodchips because those could hurt your chinnnies feet as they are very sencitive. I use critter care that is in a green bag. My local walmart carries it.
You will find that most members of the forum use either aspen or pine litter without any detrimental affects on chin feet.
i use sunaturals natural chinchilla food. (There is enough timothy hay in the food that you don't have to give them any but they like it as a treat about every other day.) It is a little bit pricy. ($11.99 a bag)

This feed contains corn, vegetables as well as too much fat. It is not a good feed. The amount of timothy hay in this feed is nowhere near the amount that chins need especially to wear down their teeth.
Feeding your chinchilla rabbit food could kill it so please don't feed it that. i use sunaturals natural chinchilla food. (There is enough timothy hay in the food that you don't have to give them any but they like it as a treat about every other day.) It is a little bit pricy. ($11.99 a bag)

Don't use woodchips because those could hurt your chinnnies feet as they are very sencitive. I use critter care that is in a green bag. My local walmart carries it.

Chinchillas need dustbaths 3 times a week. You need a dust house though. a large mixing bowl will work, but the dust will get EVERYWHERE!!!!!!! (Don't leave the dust in there for days and use clean dust every thim otherwise your chinnie could get an eye infection.)

It depends on the chinchillas personality.

Wow... Just about everything in your post is wrong.

Sunnaturals is not a great food (berries and vegetables?) and is not recommended.

Most people here use aspen on KD pine with no ill effects (And fewer ill effects than paper beddings).

Dusting depends on how humid it is and your chin. I dust once a week in the winter and 2-3 times in the summer. Too often will dry the skin.

A high quality dust (blue cloud or blue sparkle) can be reused several times as long as the chin does not pee in it and poos are removed.