lost momma

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2011
Long story short... my mom was taking care of my cinchillas because we were gone 4 the weekend and a cat got in the cage and killed the momma.... somehow by the grace of god the babies are o.k. but we r handfeeding them and we r wondering if they need a heating pad under half the cage. Already read how to do that... just need an answer please!
How old are the babies? Is there another chin that they are living with in the cage? If they are very young, they need to be kept warm but I don't know about a heating pad. That could be too warm.

I'm sorry about your chin being killed, please be very careful with cats being allowed around your chinchillas in the future.
my mom shut the cat in there because she was under my bed and she didn't see her. We do have another chin that is a female but they have never met.... the kits are 11 days old.... i can make a pouch that i have seen on here and use it so they couldstay warm with my body heat???? if not sorry just trying to think because i don't want to loose them.
yes, you can put a heating pad under half the cage that way if they get too warm they can move away from it. I like to put a fleece hidey house in with my babies so they can snuggle in it.

make sure you are handfeeding every two hours - that means round the clock!
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Going to be a pain in the butt 6 weeks but i will do anything including round-the-clock feedings!
Also to people who have hand fed how long does it take for the babies to get the hang of handfeeding so it isn't so hard or does it ever get easier. How much do they eat... I have heard 1-2 ml at first but after that i have no clue... Any advice will be welcomed. thanks
If there is a dad then yes he can keep the babies warm. My concern is this though--how is the cage still intact? You say the cat got into the cage, there had to have been a huge struggle between cat and chinchilla as mothers are very protective of their babies. I would imagine the cage would be quite a mess and even ruined. The babies need to be kept in a baby safe cage 1/2 inch by 1 inch or they will get out.

Also hand feeding is not easy. You need to read up on how to do it. They babies need to eat every 2 hours and they cannot be force fed--the need to be fed a drop at time on their lips and not have the milk pushed into them or they will aspirate.
If dad is around and is accepting of them (normally they are) that would be ok. You really can only feed them until they are full or as much as they will take and they will let you know - I don't normally measure, but I shoot to get at least a full dropper/dropper and a half in or more (as much as they will take) - they do eventually get used to it - right now I am sure they are still thinking about mom and that this is eyedropper is weird. once they get hungry though they will take it...Are there any breeders or anyone who is experienced with handfeeding in your area? Not sure where you live...Also, are you using a curved eyedropper? Those are much better...
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Maybe dad can help by keeping them warm. Don't they also need to be stimulated on the other end to go to the bathroom? Good luck.
I have much better control with an insulin syringe than I do with an eye dropper. You do have to replace them as the rubber stopper gets sticky, but they work really well.

I am amazed that the kits survived and sickened that the mom died such a horrible death. Once again this is a hard lesson learned and hopefully people who go on and on about how wonderful their cats are and how they would never hurt little Fluffy will realize that cats are hunters and chins are prey.
What are you keeping them in? And, yes, they do need to be stimulated by wiping their bottoms with a warm, moist wash cloth after each feeding.