Loss of weight

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Jun 22, 2012
Wood Dale, IL
I need response to this ASAP...
My chinchilla (Gizmo) is down 50grams in weight after a slow increase from 540grams to 670grams... I "rescued" her about a year ago from a neglectful home. We recently introduced a toy-sized dog (Liam) to the home but we are very careful not to let Gizmo and Liam "play" with each other. However, there is additional stress but on her because she can hear him bark. Her intake of alfalfa pellets is less than usual, but her intake of greens is as high as it ever was! Should I be worried?
What time lapse are we looking at? Do you weigh her daily or weekly? What do you mea by greens? Chins shouldn't have any form of greens in their diets. All they need is hay, pellets and water. Is her activity and poos normal?