Looking for owners of Blue Diamonds...

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
I am doing some research to try to get some confirmation on what I've seen here and at other places with the Blue Diamond's from Denmark regarding fungus.

If you have purchased Blue Diamonds from Denmark or out of the lines from Denmark and would be interested in helping me with this please contact me. Your information will be confidential.

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!
Here are the questions that I'm looking to get answered. As I said all answers are confidental, I'm hoping to get enough information to write an informative article on the subject. Thanks!

Here is what we are working on a genetic flaw that makes the BD's more prone to fungus. From what I've seen here as well as in two other herds I believe there is a genetic pre-disposition. Like they just don't have immunity to it like the other lines in the US do. Like I said before it's all confidential, I know a lot of people are always worried about telling people they have issues. I know personally people who have pristine conditions yet their BD's repetitively get fungus.

Have you had any cases of fungus with the BD's?
Have you had any cases of fungus with any offspring out of the BD's?
Have any cases you've had affected animals other than the BD's?
Have you had any re-occuring fungus problems with the BD's that don't spread to any other animals out of different lines?