Looking for mountable dish

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Mia Bella Vita
Aug 25, 2009
I've been searching bird stores online, and have yet to find what I'm looking for. I thought I'd post incase any of you have seen anything like this.

I need a small metal bowl that I can bolt to the side of a cage. Lady drinks from a water bowl, and I need something that I can get off the floor of her temp cage when we go home for Christmas.

She's very curious and intelligent so something that only hooks on the cage won't work. I've tried coop cups, and she can easily lift the bowl out of the metal ring that it sits in. I need the actual bowl to mount to the cage. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Brit, I also used to have a curious boy who would lift the metal bowl out of the ring. What I did was put the bowl closer to the ground so that he couldn't get under it. You can also weight the bowl. I superglued a metal ring(not sure what kind but it was very heavy) on the outside bottom so that he could not lift it. If you can't find what you are looking for, maybe these suggestions will help.
For our problem chins we took the standard metal coop cups that sit in the wire hoop and used one of those tools that you poke holes into leather with and a hammer to make a big bump right under where the bowl meets the hoop. We put the bowl in the hoop and turn it so they can't dump it out unless they are clever enough to spin the bowl just right.
Thank you all for the suggestions... ask and ye shall receive :)

Christine - yes, she'd chew plastic :-(

I think I'm going to try both bowls that Tara and Julie posted. I bet that one of those will work, but if not I'll try using some of your suggestions for adapting a coop cup.

Thanks so much, and if any of you have more suggestions please let me know as well. The more knowledge the better!
Perfect! Thanks Julie for posting it.

If anyone is looking at Julie's link make sure you order the correct size. The link takes you to a 32oz. If you do a quick search though, they have smaller sizes :)
I have used some of the snappy fit bowls Kate mentioned above and they secure well (our Great Dane can dislodge em, but has to work for it a bit)... they have a 10 oz size one on amazon, also... (made by same company that makes the FNs)