Lonely Chin?

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Active member
Oct 26, 2009
I had two boys who are about 4 years old. Less than two weeks ago one of them passed away, from what the vet thinks was pneumonia. My other one didn't really seem to notice. I found this really strange because they were best friends. They cuddled together, played together, etc. Totally loved each other. Now we've noticed that he isn't really playing with his toys as much and he's eating twice as much. Tonight my boyfriend brought up if maybe he needs a new friend. I've read about how a new intro is pretty difficult, so I'm a little hesitant, but I really feel bad for my little guy. Suggestions...? :frown2:
I lost one of my chins a couple of months ago. The other one was sad. :( She would just sit on her ledge and look at me. I think she was expecting me to bring Kendra back. :/ If your going to get a new chin then I would get a young male. For now I would just spend extra time with him.
I got Cindy a chin buddy. It seemed to help her. She even snuggled with it. Might be a option.

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That's exactly what mine is doing. A chin buddy is a really good idea. Thank you!
I think the chin buddy is a good idea too. One of my chins lost his cage mate a couple years ago, and was very depressed. I thought that perhaps he really missed having a chinchilla friend, so I adopted another male, waited out the quarantine period, went through all the into steps.. and Raider was extremely aggressive towards Rigel. I have 2 other males as well, and tried into-ing them as well.. didn't go well. Lots of chasing and slipping, and I had to separate them. I figured out that while Raider really missed Dodger, he didn't want another friend. at least not to live with. So I have 4 boys, all in their own FN 142s. They can talk to each other, but cannot live together.

But what I was getting to, is that not all chins will accept another cage mate after losing one. Every chin is different, but if you did decide to try to intro another chin as a friend, you have to be prepared that they might not like each other, and be ready to have them caged separately. :)
That's my biggest fear - getting him another buddy and them not getting along. I know his BFF can't be replaced, but seeing him all lonely and eating his little heart out depresses me too! I'll definitely be finding a chin buddy for him!
To keep myself from going through every website...where can I get the chin buddy?