Lola's Slapfest

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2011
West Midlands
My lovely girly has got a habbit of slapping things in her cage, be it hay, sticks or the hanging toys :hmm: She does look funny doing it and once shes slapped it she goes on about buisness (snuggles with Dotty).

Me and my boyfriend was wondering if anyone elses chins do this and why, is it because she is annoyed with something or just throwing her things around ??
Mine will do the same thing too. It's one of the reasons I call her Miss Sassy Pants. Who really knows why they do the things they do. They could be in the way, Lola could just have some attitude going on. Chins are silly little animals with big personalities. :D
Jackie tried slapping my hand and pulling my finger into the cage the other night. I think we was telling me he wanted his treat not scratches though. I love how chinchillas do such cute and funny little things.
Haha, Lola is a strange little character but she does make me smile. Dotty just thinks shes crazy and keeps out the way lol :D
I had to remove Violet's house from her cage. She was picking it up and throwing it across the cage. She broke it once doing this. The only reason I took it out is that she has kits and I was afraid that it would land on one of them. She's my little wonder woman.
I had to remove Violet's house from her cage. She was picking it up and throwing it across the cage. She broke it once doing this. The only reason I took it out is that she has kits and I was afraid that it would land on one of them. She's my little wonder woman.

Wow, you should re-name her Muscles!
lol catch a video of her slapping something!!

giz only pushes my hand out of the way...but he shoves...literally SHOVES his fleece apple everytime it gets in his way, looks at him wrong, or breathes the same air lol. but only to apple.

chins and their egos! lol
Ezio likes to slap the sleeve of my shirt around until it's in the right position for him to nibble or stick his nose under. Altair slaps my hand away when I'm trying to get him to hop on me. Both of them slap fingers if you cover a food dish-mwahahaha. Zipper's a good boy! He never slaps his mommy ^^
I have one girl I call the decorator because she is constantly changing things around in her cage and slapping them around. GiGi has to have things just so, she moves her food dish all around the cage, she tugs and tugs and tugs and is able to move a 2 story house around, she uses her paws to move her cuddle cube and wooden block around too. Any hanging chew toys in there get slapped a zillion times because those can't really move lol!
Haha, i will definatly try to catch a video of her doing it. Everytime i get my phone out though she stops haha, its like when i go to take a picture just as it takes she runs off so i get a big blur lol
If I get a new toy I will sometimes put it in front of Barnaby. If he isn't interested, he will whap it off the shelf. He sometimes whaps me with his hands when I try to scritch him and he is not interested. :)
a couple of my boys swat my hand away.......i thnk its funny but definitely their way of saying "hey leave me alone right now!"