Lola- Dribbling ears back, just started

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2011
West Midlands
I got Lola in at 11:30 pm from her nightly playtime, shes been fine in the cage untill 12:00 am when she started to cough now she is dribbling in puddles and has not got much energy. I am freaking out, im scared im going to lose her but at this time there is no way i can get her to the vets until morning any ideas as what i can do ??, she is keeping her mouth slighty open and i have no idea whats going on.
The first thing that came to my mind is could she have something caught in her mouth/throat from when she was out playing?
Thats what i thought, we have looked and had a feel of her belly but cant feel anything. We have managed to find an emergenc number for her vets so now my bf is explaining.

She has gone in her house in the cage and shes never been in there before.
She hasnt been around anything electrical, its all covered when she comes out. Vet says its going to cost £100, her mouth is shut at the moment and isnt dirbbling as much but keeps lifting her head.
She seems a little better, she looks like shes trying to sleep and the dribble has stopped completly. I think im going to stay with her all night and see if she gets any better or worse (if she gets worse im going to emergency vets and stuff the money), tomorrow morning she is going to go to the vets anyway just to make sure shes ok.

The vet says to ring if she gets any worse (we got him out of bed), i think she has eaten something and its gotten stuck and she keeps lifting her head like shes swallowing with a sore throat so im wondering if she has scratched it. Maybe she has passed it, but will go to the bets just to be sure.
oh no! I hope she is doing better today. Update us when you get the chance..
I think the stress is over :) we stayed up most of the night and kept an eye on her, about 2:30 this morning she started to eat some hay. I cant say how relieved i am, i went in panic mode and now that i have calmed down i started to think about what could of happened.

What me and my bf this is that she chocked on some food and maybe swallowed it whole (she runs off with food in her mouth to get to her comfy spot), as she has gotten better throughout the day we have decided just to keep watch on her, the vets is only a five minute drive and they live on the property. I think maybe she has scratched her throat a little as it looked like it was sore for her to swallow last night but today she seems ok, the food bowl isnt as full as it was so i think shes been eating and water seems to be emptier too. My bf gave her a back and belly rub last night, she just sat on his legs (which isnt like her) and accepted it. Ater that she started to look a little better so i wonder if it was food that he helped ease the discomfort.

Now she is snuggled up to Dotty and looks comfortable, Lola has also cleaned the dribble off her front and has had a sand bath. She looks loads better and is looking perky too :D
I guess aything is possible but i never thought about chinnies choking on food !!!
I had a kit choke on a piece of food when she was only 4 weeks old. Since it happened at time when everyone was asleep, there was no one to help her and she passed away. I found her laying next to the food bowl. Her front legs and chest were covered in slobber.
Its scary to think about what could of happened, that poor kit. It was all the dribble that scared me, it makes me glad we were in the room with the chinnies and usually there is someone in the room most of the time.

She seems fine now and playtime last night she was her usual nutty self :) She seemed excited that i was cleaning all the dribble stains off the wood in her cage.