So for the old, Yes I'm back and amazingly after a lifetime of chaos which seems to never end.. I am at that still standing right side up on my feet and actually doing alright. Not much exciting has happened.. Most recently just that, my old horse Charlie was found by a friend working for the west seattle mounted police. Cool Beans I think. >.< Its good to see some of the old names around! Miss everyone..
To the new, I'm Liz. I've been dinking around as just a chinchilla observer for a number of years now. I've chosen not to be an owner at this time merely in the fact that I would like to be steady in my home and life before I take on more responsibility. I have a two year old who acts like a maniac. Thats enough for me.
But feel free to say hi if you see me around.
To the new, I'm Liz. I've been dinking around as just a chinchilla observer for a number of years now. I've chosen not to be an owner at this time merely in the fact that I would like to be steady in my home and life before I take on more responsibility. I have a two year old who acts like a maniac. Thats enough for me.
But feel free to say hi if you see me around.