Light Ebony vs Standard

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2011
Can anyone show me a side by side comparison of the two?
The breeder I got her from said she was a light ebony but I am starting to think she is a standard.

if the chin has ebony in her pedigree backround she is probably a light ebony. She looks like she has a 'dirty' belly. When I say that I don't mean dirty as in dirt on her. I mean the belly isn't really white. Since she has a dirty belly that would mean a lite ebony
She looks like a standard to me.

I have a pair, one is a lite ebony & the other a standard. The standard has a stark white belly, the ebonies belly is the same color as the rest of his coat.

I also have a standard with a "dirty belly". He has a white belly but there is a bit of grey mixed in.

If you go to the 3rd page of the below thread, there is a picture of Pichu & Midnite. Pichu is the standard & midnite is the lite ebony.
Looks like a light ebony. It's really hard to see the difference between a standard and a light ebony unless you've bred one or seen one in person. She wouldn't be a dirty bellied standard because the coloring on her belly is even, which also tells me that it is not the lighting but in fact her actual belly color.

There was a lot of confusion at our field day in April because from the back row, it appeared that two of the ebonies had white bellies. We had everyone come up to the table and look at the bellies to see that they were indeed a very light grey.
Light ebony for me - you can tell by the type of fur on top of the chin as well - how there is literally no veiling - the eb does that for some reason. Also there is no "pop" between the grey and white because it has shading throughout despite looking like two separate colors.

That muddiness is not a good trait for those that breed, when you see a kit like this that is down in color all over it means your ebonies are also down in color. Your ebs should throw as good of standards as your standards do. When they express ebony, even a little you'll get a light chin like that regardless of how dark of standards you put in. When they carry ebony, or don't express it, you'll get a normally veiled standard.

I am using a standard that is an e/c and just had a full brother to him born that is a pale ebony, when he gets older I might post some comparison pics. :))
Looks like a light ebony. It's really hard to see the difference between a standard and a light ebony unless you've bred one or seen one in person. She wouldn't be a dirty bellied standard because the coloring on her belly is even, which also tells me that it is not the lighting but in fact her actual belly color.

There was a lot of confusion at our field day in April because from the back row, it appeared that two of the ebonies had white bellies. We had everyone come up to the table and look at the bellies to see that they were indeed a very light grey.

I figured she was, but it is very very hard to tell the difference.

And Spoof, I'd like to see pictures :nod: