i got a call from my mom 20mins ago telling me that my youngest brother and his soon to be wife are done she wants him to find a new place to live she doesn't want to be with him anymore. and i can't see him go back to my grandma's house b/c he didn't drugs while he was there. so he's coming to live with us. but i told my mom we need help he can't live here for free he'll have his own car but there will be rules sign. i guess it's better they broke up now before they got married. i just feel bad for him he gets throwen from place to place and i know it's his own fault in a way b/c he's 20 years old and he should have got done with school but he just doesn't seem to want to get it. i just needed to rant. my mom said she will help and he gets food stamps so that will help him have food and stuff.