Leaving a pet in the car on a hot day

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
I was livid today as I left my local Walmart. I saw a car with a dog inside. No owner in site. It was almost 90 degrees today. The windows were down, but the poor dog was panting so hard it looked like it was overheating. The dog could not have been more than 6-7 pounds. I called 911, but the owners came out while I was on the phone with the police. I wanted to confront them, but didn't. I would have said several Un-nice things.
hoo boy....... i would have definitely said the not so nice things to them! and gotten their plate number so that they could have received a fine for leaving an animal in distress.
I wish it were illegal in ALL states. It only takes a few minutes for a dog to go into distress from excessive heat...I definitely would have taken down the plate info and reported them to animal welfare. People really can be thickheaded with caring for their pets :(
My dad leaves our dog in the car when it's hot out but I think my dog will actually climb out the back widow of the truck if he gets too hot to lay in the bed of the truck and when he sees us coming he climbs back in... I think it's abuse leaving dogs in the car when it's hot out.. what is even more sick is when people leave kids in the car without the air on. both things make me soooooo mad. the inside of the car gets sooo hot so fast. I just want to make the people who do that sit in the car with a hoody and sweat pants on for them to feel how the dog feels.
nah, stick them in a fur coat, remove their ability to sweat, and tell them they are not allowed to leave the car if they get too warm. now that is what i would do!
Leaving the air conditioner running is not always reliable. I know someone that travelled all the time with her blue and gold Macaw parrot ....yeah I know stupid...and one time the car stalled while she was in a store for just a few minutes and the parrot died from the heat.
no animal or anyone deserves to be left in the car when its hot out...even with windows down it can get excessively hot factoring in humidity pets cant say Im hot or open the door and get out....a few weeks ago on the news some people left there few month old baby in the car while they shopped in the dollar store for 40 mins...thank goodness they got arrested