laying sideways?

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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2011
I am used to seeing my chinchilla sitting like a cat. Just kinda hunkered down, even when she is in her hammock. Well, I made her a mattress type fleece bed and put it in there for her to lay on and she has taken to it. This morning she was laying on it sleeping. A little but ago I took her out to play a little bit and when I put her back in she got up on there. I checked in on her maybe five minutes after her playtime and she was on the bed but she was laying kinda like a dog. You know how they tend to lay on their sides? Well, her back end was like that so that you could see her legs but her top half was still straight and her little front legs were tucked under her. I don't now if she just really enjoys this bed or what but I figure I might as well ask?

(Oh and sorry for the analogies but that is all I could think of that would describe it correctly.)
My chin usually lays on her side after playtime because she gets warm. So keep an eye out on her ears and make sure they're not turning pink/red which is a sign of overheating. When her ears get pink, I open a window in her room (it's still winter over here) and let the cold air flow in until her ears return to normal.
Mine "flop" too. That's what my family always called it in reference to the dogs. The first time the boys did it I was worried about them being overheated, but the AC unit is at like 62 and they just seem to like being that way, particularly in their tubes.
So I'd double check the temperatures, but they could just enjoy stretching out.
Can't hurt to keep an eye out since he just finished playing, but I have chins that sleep on their sides. I have a momma chin that lays on her back when she nurses, and dozes off. That one is always cute, and she will also welcome scritches as she nurses too.