Kushi likes sleeping in hammock more than hidy house

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Feb 26, 2012

My little Kushi sleeps in her hammock more often than her house. Is this unusual? I know she's just sleeping, but seeing her with her eyes shut and laying down always makes me nervous. When I say her name she jumps up quickly, so I know she's fine. But does anyone have thoughts on this?

Also a question about her gender. The man who sold her to me told me she was female, but he also told me she is a black velvet when she is clearly dark grey. To me all the photos of chinchilla genitalia look very similar. Is there any other way to tell?

Thank you!
It just sounds as if she prefers her hammock. Nothing to worry about. Many chins do. The only time mine are in their houses is if they're trying to hide from something. Other than that, they're on ledges, on top of their houses, etc.

If you can post a picture, we'd be more than happy to help you make sure what gender you have.