Kitty Stuck in the Wall

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Jan 28, 2009
Mount Carmel, PA
Ugh I'm so frustrated and angry right now! We had people in patching a hole up in the wall today and THEY PATCHED MY SISTER'S KITTEN IN! They left around 3, and we didn't start hearing cries til about 6, God only knows how long she's been in there, though. The guys were in that room ALL day, wouldn't you think they'd have paid at least a bit more attention, knowing we had animals? We're hoping she comes out, it's 10 and she's quieted down. If she's not out in a few hours, we're gonna start trying to pinpoint her meows again if we can get her to do it again.

Luckily, the patch wasn't dry yet, so we were able to re-open it. UGH! :hair:
Well, we opened a hole in my wall, since we heard her loud by my radiator... So hoping she comes out...

WE GOT HER!!!!!!!!!
My mom saw her in the hole she made in my wall, reached in, and was able to pull her out. I think she couldn't find her way back to the other hole once she got to my side of the house.
Poor baby! I had a kitten go under a "pocket" sliding door in the bathroom, and a ferret squeeze where the bathroom sink plumbing comes through. Both were rescued in the crawl space under the house. It is just the worst thing to go through. Glad she's OK.
Yeah, we were so scared. I guess she decided she wasn't moving from where my radiator was. Not that I blame her, that appeared to be a pretty open section of wall. Sad considering it's the "outside" wall to the house, and there should probably be some insulation in there...
so happy to hear the kitten is safe! Just yesturday I had some guys in my condo fixing a hole in my wall as well (had some pipes repaired) and I was worried about my kitty Max getting into the wall and them sealing him in, but he is much bigger then a kitten
Must have been quite a scare! I'm happy to hear that the little kitty is alright!

I had something similar to me when my parents were renovating the house competely and we had a drop-tile ceiling in our kitchen then. They were taking the ceiling apart and my sister's cat got out of the room we were keeping them in while work was being done. We couldn't find her for a few days and it panicked us. We kept hearing her loud meows (or rather yeowling; cross between meowing and yelling) and found her in our next door neighbor's yard...