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Crazy Chin Lady!
Jan 29, 2010
New Jersey
Tonight during playtime my little Harley kept sitting on my shoulder like the sweetheart he is :) I got a few good pictures, but got a good one of him giving me a chinnie kiss!


chinnie kisses are my favorite! (excuse my gross face) anyone else have good pictures of them gettin some love from their fluffballs? :kiss:
aww thats such a good one michelle! you can tell he's sniffing you a little but still wants to smile at the camera :dance3:
aww stacie that's awesome haha he came to give you a nice kiss! Is that cage the starter one from petsmart with the bottom and the wire levels removed?
aww stacie that's awesome haha he came to give you a nice kiss! Is that cage the starter one from petsmart with the bottom and the wire levels removed?

No, it came with plastic shelves and bottom but I left out all the plastic. It was a pretty good cage for QT and I still use it for quarantine of my new chins. It's been discontinued though, so you can't buy it anywhere anymore.
Yay, I found one, sorta, someone who shall be nameless (Laurie, lol!) took to long to take a pic and I blinked. This is me with Ivory when he was a baby over at Kristy's house. He was only 3 or 4 weeks old I believe.
ohh look at ivory! such a little one :) i love your makeup too sandy! i can never do anything on my eyes that look good haha i'm such a failure.
You guys are too cute! :D I forget the color but I love the liquid eyeliners from Mac :thumbsup:
Those are adorable pics! Kenai is a huge fan of kisses, and will often nibble my lips if I let him (and who could resist that?)

Hmmmm...liquid eye liners. :) I'm not a very fashionable I need someone to help me with make up sometime, okay? I still do my make up the same way I did it in...oh...many many years ago. :)

kissie little chinnies are the best. :) Except if they bite your lip or nose...
i'll help you Susan! actually, maybe that's not such a good idea..haha i'm not very good at doing my own makeup. but I could try :)
Such cute chinnie kissy pics.

All my boys give me the most wonderful whisker kisses except Buster... he bit my nose last night while I was smooching him, and now I have a nice red mark on the end of my nose to match my forehead. He's my bad @ss boy. :rolleyes: