Kind of scared...

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
I've had a lot of family and health issues as of late, but it seems they keep piling up. For the last several years I've had bouts of gastric issues, they come, they go. Seems like gallbladder issues but they never find any stones and tell me the same thing... stay on your Prilosec...

It's getting worse, this last bout has lasted a couple weeks now and literally puts me out of service for 2 hours a morning at least... I start school next week. I changed doctors and he's been wonderful, he did a HiDA scan and completely ruled out my gallbladder, blood work ruled out pancreititis, blood issues and anemia, infection, and pregnancy (lmao on that one ) anyway... Thursday I have an endoscopy and colonoscopy scheduled. I've been on the giving end of these... not the receiving end and I'm pretty nervous. My bout also seems to be resolving itself ( it usually does anyway) and I'm worried they're not going to find anything when they do look, but another Dr. I talked with said they'll find something even if it's not "active".

Reassuring words from someone who's had it done? I know all of the technicals about it... I've seen them done time after time, it's just different when it's you. I'm pretty sure I have some form of Inflammatory Bowel Disease and I know it's not a death sentence we just need to get the right treatment... I can't keep doing this routine and finish school, it's impossible. The pain has been the same rating as having my kids and I didn't have pain killers or epidurals with either of them... I'll be in clinicals with a bed pan for me and a commode for the patient at this rate!

I guess I'm just scared and looking for some reassurance... :unsure: The Dr. wanted to have it done last Friday or today, but they couldn't get me in for two weeks, I then called back and said won't happen, I can't wait that long and they moved me up a week to this Thursday but I just wish it was tomorrow so I could be done with it and find something out...
I just had my 2nd colonoscopy done earlier this year. Colon cancer runs on my dad side of the family. One of my sister's was diagnosed with colon cancer at the age of 43 or 44. She had blood in her stools which is a sign of colon cancer. Her doctor told her that she needs to let her siblings know to get it done early not at 50. The only thing I can tell you is when you do your prep work to stay by the bathroom. My opinion the only thing bad is the prep work.

Good luck with your tests. Hopefully they will find out what is going on.
I spend a lot of time in the bathroom anyway so I'm not too worried about that! LOL That's one of the reason's I said I couldn't do it next week, I'd have to start bowel prep before class was even over and I was 1 1/2 hrs from home... so yea. I hope they find something... I'm just kind of freaking out. As long as it's something we can treat quickly with meds or therapy, or something we keep at bay until this next May, I'll be happy enough. I just can't do this during school, and I've been working so hard to get here... I'm almost done, and if I can't complete this year I get bumped back a whole year... :(
I can't reassure you or give any advice re: the colonoscopy Nicole but I have had several endoscopies and never had an issue.

I did want to tell you that it can be your gallbladder without having gallstones. I myself suffered through those debilitating bouts of abdominal pain while attending nursing school without a diagnosis. After having my second child I was done and finally found a GI doc who knew what he was doing. Although I did not have gallstones, a CCK-HIDA scan was done to check the function and the condition of the gallbladder and the ducts leading in and out of it. It can help determine if a person has form of gallbladder disease or if the gallbladder is functioning properly. In my case my results showed that my gallbladder was constantly spasming and not emptying properly. I had it removed and have been fine ever since.

Good luck and wish you the best!
We already did the HiDA and it came back normal... I have other issues going on as well, but the Dr. knows all of them. I chose this doctor over my old one because I enjoyed how he treated the staff and patients when he was in the hospital. I was hoping on gallbladder because I'd be a week into recovery right now... :(
I had my first colonoscopy done in my early 20's when I started having severe chronic stomach pain. My grandfather died of colon cancer, my father has has benign polyps and an x-ray done of my intestines showed something. Turns out I didn't have any polyps - thank God - but I do have a spastic colon and I have a severe bend in the end of my colon making it difficult for contents to pass. My flare ups were worst when I was working. They were worst when I was stressed and when I ate certain foods. I'm not working since I had my first boy 14 years ago, but still have the flare ups about once a month that leave me in intense pain and doubled up for an hour or so...

I don't really remember the colonoscopy that well since it was a long time ago. I know it wasn't any fun, but you are doped up pretty well. I remember seeing the inside of my colon on the monitor and that was kind of cool.

I am due to go back in and get regular colon checks since I do have a family history that requires closer monitoring. I am not looking forward to it, but it is better than the alternative. Any procedure is scary, but not knowing what is going on is also scary. Good luck and hopefully you get the results you need to find out what is going on with you, and that the diagnosis is easily treatable!
Nicole, sorry to see this so late.

I had my first colonoscopy when I was 55. My wonderful doctor who I loved dearly and respected for many years kept harping on me to do it when I turned 50, but I still kept putting it off.

I always thought that there was a secret agreement that people who had undergone one resolved to tell everybody "Oh, it's nothing. You don't feel a thing".

Nan is right -- the preparation the day before before IS the worst. Your bottom will be so red and sore from the ordeal that I highly recommend baby wipes; I know I'll use them for my next one!!!

Oh, and what finally prompted me to have mine done??? I was sitting in the waiting room for some minor day surgery. I heard someone say my name. Again, I heard, "Lynn Fairchild"??? and I looked over to see a very sick, gaunt looking man in a wheelchair being pushed by a nurse. It took me about half a minute but I finally realized who it was -- my beloved Dr. T.

I ran over to give him a hug and ask what HE was doing in the day surgery area in a wheelchair. He said that he had been diagnosed with late stage colon cancer. I said, "But no -- how could they have missed it??? You harp on all of your patients to have a colonoscopy...didn't they see it on yours"???

He looked up at me and said (and this broke my heart) "I never had one myself". I burst into tears at the thought of the world losing this wonderful doctor for a careless "I'm invincible" attitude.

He died shortly after that, leaving his 2nd wife and 2 young boys who were the light of his life. I still remember and pray for him...

I vowed that day to make my appointment to have one and I had it.

I am now a very adamant person about bugging my friends into getting theirs done. I couldn't stand to lose another person like that.

So, to all of you out there 50 and older, get your butts (and guts!!!) into the doctor to have one done!!! There is no secret agreement -- it really DOESN'T hurt and you won't remember a thing!!! Just stock up on some baby wipes beforehand!!!
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Thanks Lynn, I'll be sure to get baby wipes! :D

I can't imagine how scared most people are, I've been in there, I know what happens... I've thought about telling them to just half dope me so I can watch, because that's how I usually role! When I had some surgery on my eyes the doctor said he'd never had anyone ask for a copy of the pictures before! LOL When I type about this stuff it sounds like I'm falling apart... I really am not falling apart... yet. :D
I remember both times that you can still hear the people talking and seeing the tv while they are looking for polyps. My doctor told me after she was finishing up that they didn't find any polyps.

It is the unknown that is scary.
I was completely out of it and don't remember anything until I woke up in the recovery area. After you come around completely, you can have something to eat. My friend who took me home made me some scrambled eggs and they were JUST the thing I needed.

Again, agree with Nan with regards to being scared of the unknown...

TMI...because I am so scared of the unknown, for my elbow surgery, hysterectomy and PD catheter placement, I asked the doctors if I could look at a book or something that would show what was going to happen. They all agreed, made photocopies of the pages that covered my procedures and that significantly lowered my anxiety. And pictures??? I asked my OB/GYN to take a picture of my uterus for me, since I had had such problems with it my entire life. She didn't blink an eye that I would ask, and then gave me the pictures when I woke up!!!

Do anything that makes YOU more comfortable with what you are about to undergo.
I've been in the room while they've done them at clinicals and I know what will all happen, but as it gets closer I'm getting more and more nervous. My friend is taking me, but now I wish I would have asked my mom to take half a day off and go with me... :(

And I'll tell you guys something about "SuPrep"... don't trust it! I can't recall drinking anything as fast as I drank that down, and it almost all came back up!

LOL, Lynn, sounds like we have the same kind of scrapbooks! :D
Nicole - if "SuPrep" is that gallon of liquid it is gross. I can't believe someone needs to drink all that in a short amount of time. The 1st time I had to drink the stuff it was salty, 2nd time it was flavored.
This is an 8 oz of poison... uhm medicine I mean, that you pour into 8 oz of water and drink it, once tonight, once in the morning ( my appt is at 1:00, procedure is at 2:00 ) so at least it's not the giant gallon I've read about, but I know my mom said their neighbor got some pill form...

This stuff is not to be trusted, it smells good, tastes like death. :(
Well the cleaning was easier than drinking it for sure, and a lot easier than what I've been going through. I'm really wondering how I'll feel tomorrow.

Today I'm sore and tired. They found... not much. :/ Polyps in my stomach ( which actually is not a common thing and concerns me, but he didn't seem to be worried) some scaring in my colon and irritation in my colon. They did some biopsies and said it will probably be Monday before pathology knows anything. I start school on Tuesday... so yea, I hope they find something out, but the doctor who did the scopes suggested that I might need to go to a gastric specialist... I just need to make it through until next May...
Well the cleaning was easier than drinking it for sure, and a lot easier than what I've been going through. I'm really wondering how I'll feel tomorrow.

Today I'm sore and tired. They found... not much. :/ Polyps in my stomach ( which actually is not a common thing and concerns me, but he didn't seem to be worried) some scaring in my colon and irritation in my colon. They did some biopsies and said it will probably be Monday before pathology knows anything. I start school on Tuesday... so yea, I hope they find something out, but the doctor who did the scopes suggested that I might need to go to a gastric specialist... I just need to make it through until next May...

I definitely understand stomach issues! I'm in my early twenties and have had stomach issues since I was about 8 years old. I've seen lots of doctors and had plenty of tests. The problem is that my issues would come and go. There didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to them at all which was really frustrating. This year, I've spent the last 8 months sick as can be so I said "That's it!! I'm going to an official GI specialist and put this nonsense to rest!!!". I had my first endoscopy and colonoscopy last week and will find out the results this Wednesday. The doctor told me after the procedure that everything looked normal except for some polyps, and he also did biopsies. He said that Irritable Bowel Syndrome/Disease is incredibly common in my age group. He said I had an inflamed stomach lining and also irritation in my colon too, but he didn't seem worried about it. I'm thinking its that gallon of junk I had to drink that made everything inflamed!! lol. Its been so frustrating for me not being able to pinpoint my stomach issues, I'm hoping to find out a for sure diagnosis on Wed.

I hope you are able to find some answers too, any type of health issues can be exhausting and frustrating to deal with at times. I've been dealing with this for soooooo many years. Its been ridiculous, and it stinks because most times I can never predict when I'm gonna start feeling sick.
Awww sorry to hear that :( I had not heard of C Diff before, so I researched it a bit. Looks like it is treatable which is good. Sorry that your specialist was a jerk, that's not cool at all. Is there any other better specialists in your area?

In the meantime, since its a bacterial imbalance type of thing (from what I gather), you might try an over the counter probiotic such as Align. My GI doctor told me to start taking it (I actually bought the Target equivalent bc it is cheaper, but its the same stuff), and so far I have seen some improvement with my symptoms. I've been on it for a week and a half I believe. The first few days didn't show much improvement, but slowly I've been feeling a bit better. Its worth a try at least until you can get to a better doctor. Maybe it would help your body build up more "good" bacteria to combat the C Diff.
There are some others, funny thing is it's my general doctor who figured it out, not the specialist. I've been on probitics and I've been capping the supplement I make for my chins which also has probiotics and other "good tummy" stuff in it. :D

We discussed that I might have IBS, but so far we think this caused it all... fingers crossed!