Kidney infection?

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
My mom was diagnosed with kidney infection today, her pain is terrible, the one pain med (Norco) didn't work so she was trying another ( oxycotin).

As a nurse I can tell her what to do, but has anyone here had the issue and have some tips of what worked for you? I'm not going to lie, I've never had it, so I don't know what it feels like, and I don't know what at home things might help other than what I've learned in a book.
I've had kidney infections (e coli) stemming from UTIs. I used to get a lot of UTIs - up to 12 per year - and I think I've had 2 that turned into mild kidney infections. I suggest a hot water bottle, a hot bath a lot of rest. For pain I suggest a urinary analgesic like Azo (which is over the counter in the states I believe) or Pyridium. Cranberry juice - the real stuff, not cocktail! - won't make the infection go away, but it could help if there's pain urinating. Otherwise, lots of water! Avoid sweets and caffeine also...

I haven't had a UTI in over a year now, but I know how it feels, and it's AWFUL. :(
Thanks Sheena, she ended up going into the ER yesterday because she was just in so much pain and out of it, hadn't eaten since Thursday and threw that up anyway so my dad made her go in... turns out the idiots at the place she was going misdiagnosed her and she had a bile duct that was blocked with a gallstone and had hepatitis and pancreatitis because of it. The stone is out now, and they're waiting for her labs to go down so they can remove the gallbladder...