keeping fleece liners in place

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
North Liberty, IA
My boys are fine and love their fleece but my female is a pain. She kept pulling the fleece through her house, peeing on the tray, and then sitting in it. I tried binder clips along the back where her house is but she managed to pull them off. I have a brick next to her house now so she can't pull the fleece from the corner through her house and that worked. I thought I had it solved. Today she had the entire front and other side bunched up. She even moved her tube to do it. I thought that would hold the side down. Do I just line her cage with stone or what?
My male chin is 7 mo old and a terror. He can destroy anything. I made my fleece liners like pillow cases and fold the open end under. I have it securely pinned and he still managed to get one end open enough to eat plastic. Not it's pulled so tight he practically bounces off it. I don't know how anyone just lays their's flat and keeps it in place. I'm sure others will jump in with their solutions and you can pick what works best for you. It is a challenge but better than bedding.
Now it's pulled so tight he practically bounces off it.

this part made me laugh out loud hard. XD
made me imagine a grumpy little chin (arms crossed), bouncing up and down like on a trampoline. =P
cute. lol

on another note, my chin Jackie used to pull at the fleece and sit in the exposed corner/area. i had tried placing her house on top, the chillers at each corner, etc. and no matter what i tried, it wouldn't work. then one day, she just stopped.
i'm sorry i didn't help much.

good luck! :)
I use granite slabs on most of the corners. The other corners have wooden houses on them. They love getting between the cage and house and making a gap which messes up the liner. Other than that they leave the other corners alone (so far). I wonder if they would like to sit in a metal corner pee pan or if most of the fun is tearing up the liner?
My two were fine until just lately so I went ahead and thought they were bored and added some chews and let em run and that helped a little but I just ended up making a "trampoline" and pinning it.
Mine pulls his fleece liner up and sleeps underneath it. I don't really like it because then he pees directly on the Bass pan, but it's freakin' adorable, so I just let him do it. I guess he feels safe under there while he sleeps. He's usually like that when I get home from work, so maybe he hears noises during the day. When I'm home on the weekends, he usually sleeps all sprawled out in his house, so I guess he feels more secure when I'm there?

Anyway, my solution was to drape a large piece of fleece over the top part of the FN. He still pulls the fleece liner up from time to time, but generally, he'll just be sleeping out in the open behind the fleece drape when I get home from work. Hope that helps!
The other corners have wooden houses on them

I thought houses would hold things down too but not with this big girl. She has a very heavy large wooden house with a front and roof hole. She pulled about 10" of fleece from the corner nearby under the edge of the house and it was sticking out the top.

Maybe I'll try stuff a scrap of fleece in her house for her to shove around and see if that makes her happy.
My boys were pulling up the fleece under their houses too. I thought they wanted extra fleece, so I gave them some scrap pieces. They didn't want those at all. So I decided to try to hold the fleece down with a chiller under each house, and that did the trick. I think they were getting too warm sleeping on the fleece. Zoidberg has a 5 inch square of granite that was originally a trivet, and Rufus and Dale have some stone coasters.
I thought about putting a tile in her house but the problem is she pees in her house and then sits in it so adding any solid material means she gets pee on her. I plan to switch her with the boys so she's in the top cage because I think the dogs stress her out too much and she won't come out of her house all day long just in case they are there.
My boys were pulling up the fleece under their houses too. I thought they wanted extra fleece, so I gave them some scrap pieces. They didn't want those at all. So I decided to try to hold the fleece down with a chiller under each house, and that did the trick. I think they were getting too warm sleeping on the fleece. Zoidberg has a 5 inch square of granite that was originally a trivet, and Rufus and Dale have some stone coasters.

I've wondered this about using fleece in general, if chins like/need it cool, doesn't fleece make them too warm?? I was going to put a piece of fleece down the back of the cage because I hear of walls getting sprayed, etc. but I am afraid that will make the room too warm.
Fabric hanging up on the wall won't change the temperature in the cage, there are a lot of people that use fleece behind cages. I wouldn't recommend wrapping the whole cage or even 3 sides in fleece, but just the back and maybe one other side should be fine. The chillers that I have over the fleece in their houses don't cover the entire bottom and they go back and forth from laying on them both. I think that if they start to get too warm, they won't just lay there and die, they'll move to a cooler spot.
I draped a chunk of fleece over the front opening to her house, she pulled some inside so the hole is sealed up, and is using the top opening only while leaving her fleece all in place.