Kavid's Rodent Rescue Cage Review

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So here at Kavid's Rodent Rescue we have lots of different cages, usually anything we can come across cheaply. We decided to go ahead and post reviews of two of the cages we're using currently, since we have tried so many and know our personal pros and cons for each. While we use these cages for rats, they could easily be used for chinchillas as well! Hope it's helpful!

First the BEAST! It is a slightly modified HQ Breeder Quadruple Stack Cage (USD $330), currently home to 5 rats all under a year old. It's dividable into 4 sections and has 4 medium-sized doors for access into the cage. It has to be slightly modified for rats because of various slots they can escape through but no modification would be necessary for Chins or Hedges (it was intended for birds). Each section has a removable pan which make cleaning a snap. It's very tall and has space underneath for storage, as well as casters to move around. All and all its easily our favorite cage.


Second cage is the Ferret Nation 141 (USD $140). This cage is currently home to 6 rats ranging in age from 1 to 3 years. It has lots of space, great for multiple rats, great design and build quality. It has been modified for our rats but obviously wouldn't need modification with chins and hedges. The problem I have with this cage however is that the entire front opens up, which does make cleaning a breeze, but it's such a pain when 6 untrained rats (recent rescues) rush the doors. I would be in love with the cage if it had just one small access panel. Our cage is missing the legs as well so there is no underneath storage. All and all great cage, but not my favorite.


Hope this helps anyone looking around for a good cage option.
Ferret Nations are a big thing with us chinnie owners. I love the two doors that open all the way. I also have 1 to 2 chins in each section of my Ferret Nation so escaping isn't a huge thing. I can definitely see where it would be for 5 rats though.

I actually really like that first cage in terms of rescues. I like that it has 4 sections that could house single chins. I definitely wouldn't put any pairs in there due to the size though.
Yea we don't have any of the cage sectioned off and we only use three of the pans it has lots of space for the ratbutts and I love the doors theyre easily big enough to get a chin through and each section house one Chin...if i could find another i would...but we got lucky because we only paid $50 for a $330 cage...thank you craigslist!!
Yay craigslist. I got my bird aviary there (for a chin cage as well) as well as my FN. The aviary I paid $90 and my FN 142 I paid $80.
Yep, as Crysta said, FN's are a huge hit with us chinnie owners, don't know if you saw this thread but you can see why we are such big fans.


Although I did love the look of the aviary that I had and used with my chins, cleaning it was a terrible chore! I hated it, I couldn't get the hose of the vacuum in some areas because of the doors, so I had to take everything off that was screwed and bolted inside the cage. Needless to say, I joined the FN club as well! :))