Just wondering...

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This could be nothing...actually it is probably normal...but I figure I'll ask anyways. Bailey has pulled his new house down from the 2nd floor of his cage to the 1st floor of his cage and is hiding under his ledge with the house blocking him. Is there a reason for this? Is there something I could use to keep the house in one place?
LOL Chinchillas love to do their own interior design. Totally normal, mine will move anything that isn't bolted in place, which is the answer to your second question. If you want something to stay in one place, you need to fasten it to the cage.
Okay makes total sense....it was really funny to walk into his room and see him hiding under the ledge with the house in front of him! He was peeking out from under the ledge at me!!! :)
they love redecorating!! Mine are constantly moving things here and there. In the morning, I'll put toys on the bottom shelf, by the afternoon, it could be in their hidey house, then at night, it's in their hammock! =D It's just another way for them to have fun. =)
Just make sure the house cannot fall on them and hurt them. You can bolt them to the side of the cage if you want it on a higher up shelf to make it safe. Othewise keep heavy things like chin chillers and hidey houses on the ground floor.
I bought 12 x 12 tiles to help with giving his feet rests from the wire bottom cage. How can I bolt them down?
You can use extra strength velcro for that, but that is normally on a wood shelf I think. Hmmm...I really can't think of a way to get that to stay down on a wire shelf...someone has to have an idea.
Would he move them? Probably right considering he seems to want to move everything :)
I really doubt he can move them as long as they are tight in a corner
I really doubt he can move them as long as they are tight in a corner

Sure he can. If it isn't latched onto the bars of the cage, there's very little that would be in a chin cage that they can't move around when they get going. They love to rearrange their cages. I used to use double decker houses in my big cages and they would throw those around like they were tissue boxes.
You could puncture some velcro and tie it on with some thin mechanics wire from Ace Hardware - just make sure the sharp edges cannot protrude!!
That could work as long as I put the tiles on the bottom shelf...so he can't chew it.
Do your shelves remove? If they do i suggest taking the small time and money investment to make wooden shelves, i did it it took almost no time!
I could ask my husband.....I know this has nothing to do with this thread.....or this section....but for those of you who know....I took in a female chinchilla named Sparkle saturday and today she passed away! She seemed in good health. I was rather embarrassed to share this because I was told good advice by all of you to give her to someone with more experience because there was a chance she was pregnant! :( I should have listened! What now? Do I take Bailey immediately to the vet...even though he was given a great bill of health? I've cried all day!!!!!!!
Im really sorry for your loss, if those people keep dumping chins on you, you really need to get someone else to help, either a trained rescue center or depending on their health, animal control. But again, im sorry for your loss.
I called Chris....I yelled and I cried....I asked him why he gave me a sick chinchilla. He had no answer...I called the spca....they told me they were sorry and that if I get anymore....please bring them in! I was wrong to think I could do it myself!!!
Thank you...I've tried to figure out what to do now. I wanted to go to Chris's house and yell at him....but I know that won't change anything. I want to go and take all those chinchillas and find experienced homes for them and save them! I thought I was doing something good for her...she was letting me scratch her nose...I thought she was coming around! I feel guilty!!! I'm rambling....I'm sorry :(
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