Just wonderin'

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New member
Sep 14, 2011
Hi, I have a year old grey/standard female chin. I've had her for about 3 weeks now too. When I first got her she was very shy/adventurous. She lives in a three story Martin's cage, and has everything she could need. But sometimes when she wants to run around she grabs a hold of the cage door with her mouth and pulls towards her, and it makes a rattling sound. Is this normal and ok for them?
If she makes you feel guilty, then its normal! Sounds like she wants attention and is demanding it!!:laughitup:
She owns you! lol. She is training you to respond to her every whim. And no I'm not kidding, chins are very smart. She sounds like a lovely diva doll baby. About the only thing you can do is ignore her when she does that.
yea she seems to be wanting attention. Its cute! better than my tum Tum who didnt wanna be near me for a bit and now making like cooing noises and wont stop until i come near. hehehee i sing to my babies!
Ahhh, great! And one other thing, and I knew this doesn't fit the sub-form category, but what are some good treats for her? I'm very cautious about what treats, I don't want to hurt her.
LOL she's saying "let me out, let me out" Squirt grabs his travel cage doors and shake it when I'm taking forever to move the stuff around so they can have play time.
my ferrets and my chins do that. They grab the bars with their teeth and shake violently. Some times so much I'm scared to death their going to rip their teeth out. (especially the ferrets).
For mine tho is definitely a 'let me out NOW!' cry. If you pay attention to them, over time you will start to pick up each animals habit, and their way of communicating with you.
Ahhh, great! And one other thing, and I knew this doesn't fit the sub-form category, but what are some good treats for her? I'm very cautious about what treats, I don't want to hurt her.

You can give her a plain Cheerie O, 1/2 a plain shredded wheat, rose hips, or a pinch of oats, the slow cooking variety. The amount that you give should be one or two treats a week. That means one treat not one of each.