Just got a chin

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Hiya every one :dance3:

I have just recently got a chinchilla kappi, he is very friendly. I was told by the previous owner to allow him out for one hour a day to run about, which i have. I am student nurse and work long hours can anyone suggest diffrent way to keep kappi stimulated, he doesnt seem very active. Also can chinchilla be held by owner ?? If any one got any other tip for me i would be greatfull. Thank you :hmm:
If you have a chin-safe cage with shelves, ledges, hammocks and a wheel that would help your chin to blow off some energy. He may just be nervous in a new place so isn't as active as he would normally be. Chins don't generally like being held but some can warm up to the idea. It all depends on the chin, they have different personalities.

Also, make sure you chin proof (no electrical wires, anything he'd chew out on the floor etc) whatever space Kappi is playing in. I'm sure most chins wouldn't mind getting out to play everyday but they do not require it as long as they are stimulated in some way, which a large cage with appropriate accessories (along with your attention which they usually love!!) can do.

They do require a good amount of attention. I know you work long hours, but if you try to work out a schedule you can adhere to I think your chin will appreciate it. They are most awake at dusk and dawn and at night in general so that is when they will enjoy your attention the most. Once you get settled into chin-parentdom in some time you may consider getting another chin so they can keep eachother company. But I would strongly suggest getting your bearings first and purusing the site. Most people here who post often are very very knowledgable are great at answering questions.

Looking through the posts, especially the FAQs in every section helps a lot. There is so much information, it would be impossible for me to type it all haha!!

Welcome to the forum!!
Hello and welcome to the forum! Chinchillas do not require playtime, it is a nice thing to do for them, but it is not essential to their health. If you have a nice tall cage with plenty of wooden shelves and ledges for them to jump and hop around on that's good for them to get some excercise. Also a nice wheel. See the threads posted in Cages and Housing to get some good ideas!
Welcome and congrats on your new lil guy! There is tons of great info here, I cannot say it any better than Caiti and Laurie, tho!
I was new earlier this year and everyone here has helped me out bunches! :)