Just a quick question about force feeding.

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
Aurora, Colorado
This is my first time force feeding a chinchilla. I have a 2 year old male here that refuses to eat anything that isn't sweet (he's a rescue that had a terrible diet). I have been force feeding him and he seems to be doing fine. He had lost ever 70 grams and the force feeding has stopped the weight loss. He is actually gaining weight right now. My question is, when I am feeding him, he poops like there's no tomorrow. Once I am done and put him back in the cage, his poops become teeny tiny little things, smaller than a mouse produces). There is also very few of them. Is this normal for a chin that is being force fed?
Chinchillas who can eat and are not sick will not starve to death. I don't like to hand feed unless there is a medical reason-they can become addicted to it and be a bear to get off the CC. Since he was on a sweet only diet and a rescue he should have his teeth looked at to rule out teeth issues preventing him from eating on his own. As far as the poo, stressed hand fed chins do that, its not abnormal.
Thanks, Ticklechin. I will be taking him in to have his teeth checked. Hopefully, he is just being stubborn and does not have any dental (or other) issues.