Just a few questions about chinchillas?

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Feb 21, 2014
Hello, I was wondering if someone could help me?
I have two four-year-old male chinchillas called Misty and Shadow. They have never encountered medical problems of any kind but I fear that may change. I am going to contact our breeder (experienced professionals)in a few days to have some questions answered, but until then I thought I might get some advice here :)

1) Bumps on ear?!
When Misty was less than a year old, he escaped into the living room. In an attempt to hide, he scrambled under the computer table, at which point he let out a loud squeak. When he was finally retrieved, it became apparent that some equipment had caught his ear under the table, leaving a few knacks (very, very minor - just a little skin) and a teeny tiny hole. We contacted the breeder and they helped us treat the injury over the phone. The hole is healing slowly and is now no more than a scar. But the knacks are different. They have turned into small black bumps. Are these normal scars? If not, can they be treated? They appear to be on the skin and are therefore not internal and this event happened years ago.
Additional information: no blood vessels were damaged in the incident and Misty is very safe. I have been incredibly strict, chinchilla proofing practically EVERYTHING, and nothing has happened since.

2) Hair Rings?
Neither of the chinchillas breed but they often engage in dominance mounting. I am worried that Shadow may have a small hair ring. I don't want to un-sheath his penis as a I fear hurting him (not cuz I'm squeamish) and know no safe method to do so. Could anyone tell me a super safe fool-proof method please? I'd be grateful. Plus, what are subtle hair ring symptoms? I would like to know for future reference.

3) How many treats are OK?
I thought google would have the answer to this one but it appears people can't even agree on a fair amount. Given that they are both male and very athletic, what would be a safe serving size for dry substances or fruit (dry or otherwise) and how frequently should they be given?

Whoever answers this has a kind heart and will put my paranoid mind to rest. Thank you so, SO much in advance :)

Also, I am very observant and careful with these things so I don't think the chinnies have any serious problems (please don't let that be the case!) but if anyone thinks they do, I need a bit more info. There are no veterinary clinics in the Netherlands I know of that can care for chinchillas so if the breeders can't help I'll be needing another option... But I don't know what to do...
Can you post pictures of the ear problems? It's kind of hard to say what's going on just from a description. It also helps to a shine a light through them when taking a pic to show how deep something is and where the veins are.

Everyone has a different opinion on treats. Some are really strict because they want their chins to eat all their hay and pellets and some feed slightly more. Overall fruit is not a healthy treat. There are a few things sold on websites like goji berries and occasionally papaya. They would be controversial and most other fruit dried or otherwise is not considered safe by hardly anyone. Some sugar free cereals and cheerios are fed frequently in small amounts. Some only feed them a few times a week. Dried herbs, dried edible flowers, and rosehips are often considered safe daily treats.

Wood and hay is given in unlimited amounts and some can be considered a treat. Little twigs generally make chins as happy as anything else you can give them. Random pieces or the occasional handful of hays you wouldn't normally give daily can make safe treats too. We feed bluegrass as their main hay because my husband is allergic to timothy but we also have organic clover, oat hay, and "botanical" hay which has herbs mixed in. The young and pregnant get a handful of clover a couple times a week and the rest get choice bits of it. The other 2 hays I rotate and give one handful at the start of every week.
Thank you very much for replying, I'll get the photos posted as soon as I can. I see what you mean with the fruit and I will cut it from their diet. I will also look into buying the safe treats you suggested. But I'm not so sure about 'hardly anybody' feeding their chinchillas fruit. Granted, the issue is very controversial and opinions range greatly but a vast number of people say subtle fruits are OK (the kind of fruit they mention varies, though). Even my breeders said they were... So, I'm a little confused.