Just a few newbie questions

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Well-known member
May 20, 2011
New Mexico
So, I tried to search the forum for my questions...but I am not having as much luck with the search function as I had hoped so here goes.My boyfriend and I got our lovely chin Sasha a month or so ago, and even though we had done quite a bit of research on chinchillas in general I have a few new questions that I can not seem to find the answers to.

First, after reading this forum I learned that we should have checked her teeth when we first got her >.> unfortunately I now have absolutely no idea how to do so. She is such a little wiggle worm. So any hints on getting her to sit still long enough for us to check or a way to hold her firmly without hurting her would be greatly appreciated.

Next, what is the least traumatic way to be picking her up? I have seen in multiple places throughout the internet that grabbing them firmly by the base of the tail and using the other hand to support their body is the best idea, but she is also quite agile so it is mildly difficult to catch her this way and I am terrified that I am somehow going to hurt her.

Lastly, for now...we got her a play pen, but did not realize when we did so that chins jump. Even though her play pen is about 3.5 ft tall she is still managing to get out. Is there a way to chinchilla proof this pen or would we be better off trying to find something taller?

Thank you all in advance...I know these are basic, but please remember that we are complete newbies at this...
I don't know about how to check teeth. but if chi chi gets out and i can't catch her i just throw a tshirt on top of her so i can catch her.
as far on how to chin proof the pen. depending on the pen itself some pins sell covers for the top. not sure which one you have thou
I have never checked my chin's own teeth when I get them. I'm not sure where you read that? For one, just a visual check won't tell you much because if there are teeth problems, it could be in the roots. One visiual inspection you can do is that her teeth should be nice and orange. If they're pale it means she's not getting enough calcium. And normally you can just see her front teeth when she chews on something.

When I need to catch a chin quickly, that is what I do. I grab them at the base of the tail. The way to not hurt them is to make sure you're grabbing by their butt, at the base, not further up. Then support their body with your other hand/arm. Some chins tolerate just being held in your hands, but even then you should hold their tail in case they want to jump out of your hands.

For the play pen, you can always put a sheet over the top, which may deter her from jumping out, but it obviously won't stop her if she jumps at the right spot. Otherwise you can chin proof a small room, like the bathroom and stay in there the whole time with her while she runs around.
I have never checked my chins teeth. Unless there is a sign of a problem such as drooling or trouble eating then I'm not sure it's necessary to check teeth. Also, sometimes a tooth problem can only be discovered via x-ray. As far as taking a chin out of his or her cage, I personally let mine come onto my hands. It takes more time but I don't like "grabbing" them. If I need to get one out quickly I will do the base of the tail trick but I don't prefer it and once or twice they have slipped fur when I do it.

I have a playpen with a zip-top roof and it is my favorite investment ever! I can leave the room with no worries when they are playing. Also, it was not too expensive. Here's a link to it...http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B002ABO2IS/ref=redir_mdp_mobile/188-2761703-1092545. If you'd rather chin proof your current playpen then you could put wiring over top, or something else to prevent escape. Good luck!
Absolutly awesom playpen there. And I guess what I meant with teeth is just how to check and make sure she is getting enough calcium (pretty sure that is the correct mineral).
I have never checked my chins teeth. Unless there is a sign of a problem such as drooling or trouble eating then I'm not sure it's necessary to check teeth. Also, sometimes a tooth problem can only be discovered via x-ray. As far as taking a chin out of his or her cage, I personally let mine come onto my hands. It takes more time but I don't like "grabbing" them. If I need to get one out quickly I will do the base of the tail trick but I don't prefer it and once or twice they have slipped fur when I do it.

I have a playpen with a zip-top roof and it is my favorite investment ever! I can leave the room with no worries when they are playing. Also, it was not too expensive. Here's a link to it...http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B002ABO2IS/ref=redir_mdp_mobile/188-2761703-1092545. If you'd rather chin proof your current playpen then you could put wiring over top, or something else to prevent escape. Good luck!

What are the dimensions of the playpen? It's a good enough size for a chinch obviously?
And I guess what I meant with teeth is just how to check and make sure she is getting enough calcium (pretty sure that is the correct mineral).
Yes, that's the correct mineral. How old is your chin? Young ones are pretty pale orange/yellowish color. If you are feeding one of the reccomended feeds they will have a proper balenced diet. What are you feeding? You do not want to give excess calcium because it will cause bladder stones which usually has a bad outcome. Btw, welcome to CnH. Glad you are here, you will learn a lot.
periodically you'll be able to see their teeth when they nibble on wood or a treat or even sometimes when they are sleeping. As long as they are orange you have nothing to worry about it. As Theresa (addicted) said as long as they are getting good feed they will get the proper nutrients and minerals to get them and keep them orange. Unneeded extra calcium can be detrimental to chins.
Sasha is about 4 months old now. Have checked her teeths now and look nice and orangy. As for feed I can not remember the brand, I will check when I get home however.