Just a couple votes for my mom's fav cupcake?

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
Would any facebook people please like this? Somoa - http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Outrageous-CAKES/92367773080

My mom gets a cupcake there every Friday, it's her little treat, she's mid 50's and started her "new life" three years ago when she quit smoking, this year she wanted to lose weight, and she's lost over 30 lbs! This is her weekly treat in her diet and she really, really loves the somoa one! We're only a couple voted behind, please help make my mom's day a little more wonderful.

It'll also be linked on my Rivendell Chinchillas FB in a minute or two if you look at that.
Yea, we're tied!

I know this seems like a silly thing, but my mom rarely asks for anything, and she asked her fb friends ( not a lot of us I must say, lol ) to vote... so I wanted to try to make it happen for her.
:( We're being out voted... :( Darn people liking cheesecake... I guess I could see cheesecake, but not with pumpkin...

I suppose I should go out and do something useful like feed chinchillas, if you guys get time to vote for Samoa please do! :D
We're ahead by two!!! YEA!!! Thank you everyone, hopefully there isn't a bunch of late night munchers up voting against us!