June the Gecko's Big Shed (Pic Heavy)

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Expert Wheel Scrubber
Jan 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
Junie had a big shed today, so I took some pics. Towards the end I think she got sick of the 'paparazzi' and went into her hide to finish her shed in privacy. :lol:


Look how much sand & calcium powder she managed to spread around while getting her shed started! Guess I'll be doing a cage cleaning tonight.




Continued in next post...
They pull it off with their mouths and then eat it. I've heard two possible reasons for that - one is that if they leave skin around, predators will know that they are nearby. The other is that the skin contains a lot of nutrients and calories and they might as well use it. Who knows, maybe both are true!
Really cool! The first time I seen that in a Petshop, only is was a snake, they left the shedded skin in the tank and I thought that was really bad I thought it was horrrrrible! Now, not so much :)
i love when they shed after words the look awesome. great pics!!
That was pretty cool. My bro had a leopard gecko growing up. I wondered why there was never any shed laying around.
Very cool to see.

I noticed a lot of people seem to have these Geckos. How good of pets do they make? I have zero experience with reptiles and am curious what their draw is. These guys are one of the few that don't make me squirm.