It Sickens Me!

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Oct 27, 2014
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
It's really sad how some people treat their chinchillas.
I rescue chins, unfortunately i am full with ten chins right now :(, and the condition of some of them are horrendous.

I have ten chins. all but two were rescued from bad homes. The other two, Batman and Jekyll, i got from a breeder and they were and are perfectly healthy. In fact all my current chinchillas are healthy.

One of the chins i have, Sky, came to me covered in mold we took her to the vet and got it taken care of. Sadly her companion was so sick they put him down as they wouldn't have been able to save him.

Next is Pepper. He came to me from a home that had a four year old that chased him non stop and he had TONS if fur gone (now is growing back). The sad thing was the owners acted like they didn't care and this was fine for him. He is still timid but doing MUCH better.

Then we have Jekyll/Hyde. they were housed in a SINGLE ferret nation with 6 others with no wheel or any real toys. Both of there whiskers are chewed off to about just a half inch from their faces. Sadly i could only rescue the two, the lady wouldn't let me take any others.

After them i got a set of four chinchillas (Coco, Butterfly,Lucky and Duece) from a really nice family that could no longer take care of them so they surrendered them to me. they had rescued three of them (the female was pregnant, there's the fourth) from a person that kept them in a medium size dog crate (all three) and fed them hamster food. They never got out and they were covered in matts.

Last is a pair i rescued and have been adopted, Artemis and Luna. When i got them they were malnourished and very anti social. now they are healthy and love playing with the adopters dogs.

I have gotten chins before from people who bought them because they are cute. Then they get them not knowing what to do or proper care then they wonder why the chin is sick or not happy.

When I got my first chinchilla I researched for WEEKS before i got mine. I wanted to be prepared and i was. This also allowed me to double and triple check that i had everything i needed for my new baby.
Omg that's horrible. :( I don't understand how people can think that's ok!! :(

Like you, I did weeks, probably at least a good month or two, of research and preparing before I got my chin. My pets are my babies & I want the best for them. I can't stand to see people letting their pets suffer. :'(

It's really wonderful what you are doing for these babies. <3
Omg that's horrible. :( I don't understand how people can think that's ok!! :(

Like you, I did weeks, probably at least a good month or two, of research and preparing before I got my chin. My pets are my babies & I want the best for them. I can't stand to see people letting their pets suffer. :'(

It's really wonderful what you are doing for these babies. <3

Thank you, I just can't believe some of these conditions that they were in. i was once even contacted by a lady,i had an ad on craigslist, who was trying to get her neighbor to surrender her pets. she had 13 dogs, not sure how many cats, 2 birds (one with no feathers and at least 4 chinchillas (possibly more). she had told me that the chinchillas NEVER got dust baths, they also lived in at least 6 inch of their own waste. The lady didn't surrender them and recently i heard back from the woman who called me. she told me all of the chins, the featherless bird and some the the others had died. I actually cried. I can't believe someone would do that.
thats what worries me about getting involved with pets in those conditions. Not that ignoring it changes anything, but seeing it up front every day, it would be hard not to snap and hurt these owners. It pisses me off to no end.

Granted i got my first chin because someone showed up at the door with him asking if i could watch him. And i had never even heard of a chin before that. So i made a number of mistakes over time, but at least i made the effort to learn about them and make sure they are healthy in and in a good environment.
thats what worries me about getting involved with pets in those conditions. Not that ignoring it changes anything, but seeing it up front every day, it would be hard not to snap and hurt these owners. It pisses me off to no end.

Granted i got my first chin because someone showed up at the door with him asking if i could watch him. And i had never even heard of a chin before that. So i made a number of mistakes over time, but at least i made the effort to learn about them and make sure they are healthy in and in a good environment.

its sad but someone has to do it. i just wish i could take in more
Thank you, I just can't believe some of these conditions that they were in. i was once even contacted by a lady,i had an ad on craigslist, who was trying to get her neighbor to surrender her pets. she had 13 dogs, not sure how many cats, 2 birds (one with no feathers and at least 4 chinchillas (possibly more). she had told me that the chinchillas NEVER got dust baths, they also lived in at least 6 inch of their own waste. The lady didn't surrender them and recently i heard back from the woman who called me. she told me all of the chins, the featherless bird and some the the others had died. I actually cried. I can't believe someone would do that.

Disgusting and despicable!! It makes me want to cry just reading it... I think I'll go hug & kiss my animals now.