Is This Safe For Chins To Use?

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I don't think it's really safe due to the chance that a chin could get it's foot caught in the wire while cage surfing. Considering the ball would move in a centripetal motion causing the leg to possibly break in the process, it just looks like an leg amputation waiting to happen. It's really a waste of money. The plastic will be chewed in a heartbeat. There are many other hay holders out there that are safer and made to last. No hay holder is going to keep all the hay in, chins like to pick through their hay and make a mess, it's life ;-)
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Nope, and it's junky too. They chew right through the plastic.
If you're looking for a holder I've had a lot of success with little pine boxes, I attached hardware on the back so they can't get knocked over. I know other members have also had success with other products.
I'd check the classifieds or post looking for a pine box one... that is no different than any other wire one, and is a safety hazard.