Is this kind of cholla cactus ok?

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New member
Nov 5, 2012
I have found some cholla cactus on eBay and this is how it is described...."dried and unwashed cholla wood. Unwashed, 100% natural and chemical free. ". Is this safe for chinchilla's? Thanks
I know cholla is safe for them. Not sure what the one is on amazon but if its for sure untreated wood then I would say yes. My boys have a cholla perch in their cage.
Yea, it's safe but you need to wash it and bake it dry. Cholla is some of the dirtiest most disgusting wood because they pick it up from the ground in the desert so lots of things have been moving around, hiding and pooping in it. Because it goes from the ground strait to the box sometimes there is critters hiding in there too. We got warned about scorpions when we bought the last box. Thankfully there weren't any!